Mortis Family/Rigorian

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Rigorian Mortis, First Patriarch of the Mortis Noble Family. By whom and for what realm, his knighthood was for has been lost in the records and in history.

He was said to have been of great stature, with eyes azure, dark flowing hair, and formidable strength. Smithing was his original profession and trade, with a flair in the crafting of weapons.

This is the legend of his knighthood. There was once a great war concerning his realm, with a great army outside the town waiting to rape, pluder and pillage, and the royal army bracing for the defence. It so happened that the enemy grew impatient and, fashioning a great battering ram, tore down the feeble gates of his town. The king's army was routed. As Rigorian was about to close and bar the door of his forge, a soldier entered and begged sanctuary. He was battered and wounded, and as soon as he was finished speaking, the door flew open and a number of enemy troops charged in. In a reflex, he took the nearest weapons that he could find, a sword, whom he gave the soldier and a long scythe, which he took for himself. He defended himself and the soldier with all his might and will. Forunately, reinforcements arrived and drove the enemy out of the town.

It was soon discovered that he had slain no less than a hundred men, and even more astonishing was that the soldier he fought with was no less than the king himself!

The noble king knighted Rigorian there and then, using the sword he gave him, for his invaluable service with king and realm. The sword and scythe was reworked by Rigorian, employing materials and techniques now lost, fashioning the heirlooms of the Mortis Family, the Death Scythe and the Death Blade. He had but one son with his wife, Arthurious, and after amassing a sum of gold, emigrated to Atamara, to leave behind the constant wars of his homeland. He built the Mansion Mortis on Lyton land, and thus did the Noble Mortis Family began.