The Vicean Times/Issue 3

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vicebanner.gif The Vicean Times
5 Silver Sponsor: Attila Osha January '07
"How Viceans stay connected"

Slyther Falls!
16th Jan - Slyther Paradox, our Paladin Primus and Fiduciary, was slain by Medium T-Style in Hcallow earlier today. Slyther is known to have issued the duel challenge to Medium yesterday afternoon, citing Medium's reference to him as 'Slythie' and also his various other insults against Vice and Hedonism. Sadly, no Vicean was present to relay details of the duel that took Slyther's life.

Duke Attila began the public outpouring of grief, paying tribute to Slyther's many achievements whilst in office. A festival has also been announced in order to both 'celebrate, and honour' the memory of Slyther Paradox.

Peace Peace has since been elected as the new Fiduciary and Haruspex Maximus in a snap poll that was held early this evening.

Watersdown Barren
16th Jan - Two weeks ago, Heenite forces attacked and raided Watersdown and in their brutality, began a savage campaign against the peasantry there. Prior to this, several risings of monsters had caused havoc in the region. Watersdown is now nothing more than a barren wasteland, with not a soul seen alive in the region since Heenite troops finally vacated the area after abandoning their attempt to subjugate the region. Several scouts have been sent to scour the region for signs of life since then, but we're told that any and all settlements that had thus far managed to escape ravagement by hostile forces were found utterly deserted.

Claims have been made that Watersdown has been cursed, and certainly, the troops of Vice have begun to fear every new journey made through the deserted land. Other explanations of course have been made, even if they have been unable to gain much headway. Such explanations vary widely; from conspiracy theories involving Varyamo Nolvo to even more bizarre claims that the time of judgement has arrived!

Whatever the cause of Watersdown' ailment, we at the Vicean Times think it worth remembering how Watersdown was once a populous and bountiful region that played a vital part in linking the people of the desert together. In stark contrast to today's Watersdown, which is spoken of in hushed and panicked tones and the people wonder aloud whether they will be the next to simply 'disappear.'