Dakka Family/Ashnak

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Ashnak Defender of the Weak


Ashnak is the youngest member of the Dakka family. He is somewhat naive and is prone to sticking with things no matter how hard or dangerous they are even after all hope has been lost. After Ashnak finished his training he wandered around aimlessly for a while unable to find a cause to fight, and possibly die, for. This all changed one day when he was reading a letter from his cousin Skriznack in which his cousin mentioned a member of his realm who was concerned for his brother in the Kalmar Islands. Ashnak, upon hearing the dire straits of the islands had found his calling. Ashnak gathered a group of freedom fighters and chartered a boat to the islands the next day determined to save the noble islanders.


Ashnak barely had time to enjoy his success when the first wave of a Northern Federation invasion force landed and attempted to storm the beaches of Stora. However, the attacking force had arrived ahead of schedule and was unsupported. The defenders easily overwhelmed the vanguard of their troops. The next morning the second wave arrived and agian attempted to take the beach head. Ashnak and his comrades in the Knightly Order of Stora threw the invaders back into the sea after a fierce and bloody struggle that saw many good Avamarians lose their lives in defense of freedom including nine of Ashnak's own men.

These first 2 forces were only the tip of the iceberg as Ashnak would later find out when a massive flottila of 55 warships disgorged almost 1200 troops of all different kinds. The Knights were vastly outnumbered having little more than 200 infantry and cavalry with them but they fought anyway. the enemies arrows fell on the defenders but still their lines managed to hold. The advancing ranks of enemy soldiers trembled as the Avamarian cavalry smashed into their vanguard but eventually numbers overcame heart and the brave horsemen were massacred. With that the enemy troops pressed on and smashed through the defenders leaving Ashnak alone, all of his men killed in the fighting.


After the battles for Stora, Ashnak gained immense respect for Esperos as he witnessed him leading the battles from the front line. But he also began to doubt AS's leadership especially after the then Pontifex Amraedil ordered the defenders at Stora to stay and face the third force even though the outcome was obvious. His faith in the leadership was further tested when Esperos was fined for his orders despite his heroic leadership. Ashnak was almost ready to leave the realm when Amraedil ordered all able bodied citizens to sacrifice themselves in impossible battles. However he could not abandon his brave people and so readied himself for the siege. As he predicted, the battle was a failure and he was captured.

Though this battle was lost Ashnak did gain new found hope when he realised that Amraedil was fighting at the front instead of sending others to die. After Amraedil resigned and went to go collect money for the war effort Ashnak forgave the Duke for s failures and accepted that Amraedil had done all he could to save his home.

Ashnak now readies himself to continue the fight against the imperialists that would see his new home subjugated and despite the odds has pledged to fight for the islands as long as a single blade of grass is free.