Black Coat of Life

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Black Coat of Life

Six Family/Loren - Adventurer: |Black Coat of Life| 1/07/2007



History and Uses

The Black Coat of Life has no definite origin, but some do tell that coat itself is made from the hair of a werecat. It protects its wearer from all blows and arrows. No metal can pierce it's cloth. On some accounts the wearer has claimed to have premonitions of evil things to pass, but these are unconfirmed. After possesed by an elf of high status, it was lost to the undead some years back, until this day when it was recovered.


Hunting undead: After 2 hours, you finally find a small undead army. They are lead by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot. The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right. The champion makes you sweat, he is quite the opponent. But in the end, he is just a pile of bones, too. Among what is left of the champion, you find treasures worth a total of 1 gold, 7 silver.

You also find a unique item among the loot, the "Black Coat of Life".