Greywatche Family

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The House of Greywatche

~ Artevan Greywatche ~
Minister of Finances of Plergoth, Marshal of the Defenders of Plergoth

The eldest and thus far most accomplished of the Greywatche clan, Artevan began his career in Tara, the home of his family which resides in Andurus to this day. After serving under James and General Lister he grew restless and tired of the Tyrant Jonathan's ways and went off to search for a new calling.

A devout follower of the teachings of Daishi, he served as a mercenary for a time in the Darkan army. One day he received word from a fellow member of the order, VonGarrett, whose messengers brought tales of a wonderful realm where the teachings of Daishi could flourish and spread. Artevan saw the opportunity to finally settle into a homeland he felt a part of and quell his wandering heart.

Shortly after arriving there was great upheaval in Plergoth. Valhallla the Mad attempted to lead a rebellion. It failed, but a portion of the realm was taken hostage by the traitors and is held to this day in their claws.

Currently Minister of Finance and Leader of the Defenders of Plergoth, Artevan has sworn to bring the cowardly traitors to justice, most specifically Valhalla, and free the people of the Northwestern lands of Plergoth from their tyranical rule. He fights that fight to this day.
~Older brother of Bayemon, cousin to Aravan and Artevan

~ Aravan Greywatche ~
Knight of Plergoth

Aravan and his twin brother Artemir look exactly alike. Stood side by side, their own mother many times had difficulty in telling them apart, so striking was the resemblance. As personalities go though, they could hardly be more polar opposite.

Aravan is a simple warrior at heart. He has never had the patience for studies or the gift of words. When pressed to it he can perform any task, even if need be those of a scholarly pursuit, however he is much happier witha sword in his hand and a foe to face.

He served under one of the East Continent's greatest Generals, ][osferatu, in battles against Fontant, Sirion and Ibladesh. Once peace came however, he grew restless in peacetime. For the first time in his life he left the side of his twin brother to answer the call of his cousin, Artevan.

Moving to Beluaterra, Aravan arrived just as the rebellion began and the succession of the city of Reeds. He currently serves in the army under General Kelrond in the hopes of re-establishing the realm that has been torn apart by war.
~Twin brother of Artemir, cousin to Artevan and Bayemon

~ Artemir Greywatche ~
Knight of Perdan

Artemir and his twin brother Aravan look exactly alike. Stood side by side, their own mother many times had difficulty in telling them apart, so striking was the resemblance. As personalities go though, they could hardly be more polar opposite.

Originally he was a true tag along. Even though younger only by minutes, he still played the roll of teh younger sibling, following Aravan wherever he went. When Aravan took up a sword and shield and headed off to make a life of adventure and glory in the Perdan Army on the East COntinent, Artemir followed suit.

Serving nobly in the war against Fontan, Sirion and Ibladesh Artemir fought with great courage besides his brother against a much superior force. When Queen Evangeline made an effort to sign a peace treaty and save Perdan from being wiped off the continent by a vastly superior foe, that is when the brothers for the first time in their lives finally clashed.

While Artemir supoprted the treaty as a chance to rebuild, Aravan would have rather died than surrender no matter the odds. In the end the Peace Treaty was signed and peace came to the realm of Perdan.

When a call came from their cousin, Artevan, that help was needed in Plergoth, the brothers stepped seperate ways for the first time in their lives. Heeding the call of battle, Aravan left for the far off land hoping to again earn glory and honor on the battlefield.

Artemir, however, could not bring himself to leave his beloved Perdan. It had become home to him, and the idea of walking away from the fight he had put forth when he knew he might be needed again, was too much to bear.

He serves now in the Army of the Perdan Lions under the great General ][osferatu, serving his realm and his people as best he can.
~Twin brother of Aravan, cousin to Artevan and Bayemon

~ Bayemon Greywatche ~
Knight of Abington

~Older brother of Bayemon, cousin to Aravan and Artevan