Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/January '07

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Price: 1 gold Creator: Medium January '07

Territorial News
The sacking of Tahgalez

January 2

Early this morning, the army of Heen gathered in Watersdown, the biggest army in the desert in a long time. As soon as all were present, High Marshal Martana gave the order to attack Tahgalez, the stronghold capital of Varyamo Nolvo that has a Keep to defend.

The Keep turned out to be pretty useless, however, since there were only 47 soldiers of Varyamo Nolvo to hold off the Holy troops of Heen, which counted a total of 193 men. The defenders were outnumbered and quickly overmastered by the troops of Heen. On the side of Heen all commanders remained untouched, while Mao, Duke of Tahgalez and Marshal of the army of Varyamo Nolvo was seriously wounded, and Wolfgang, Chancellor of Varyamo Nolvo, was seriously wounded as well.

After the battle had ended, not a single soldier of Varyamo Nolvo was still fighting fit. The few that were still alive fled into the alleys of Tahgalez with their commanders, and the troops of Heen quickly spread out to intercept any transports of tax gold from Varyamo Nolvo. Surprisingly many bushels of food were also intercepted and burned, to prevent the troops of Varyamo Nolvo from finding high-moraled and well-fed recruits.

King Scion the Skilled, who couldn't make it to Tahgalez in time, congratulated his High Marshal with this victory and declared that he was very proud of his troops. At last the long expected sacking of Tahgalez has begun.