Old Rancagua Press/16th September 2005

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gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No6 16th September
Printed In Oroya
Rhino Stampedes Again!
Yet again we have been witness to someone who does not take a hint. General Rhino of the Rancaguan army has yet again led an army against the defenders of Old Rancagua. This is becoming a daily event, they attack, get defeated, fall back, recruit, attack, get defeated, fall back. Its endless. The ammazing thing is that its not doing anything to the defending force. In most battle which are like these the defenders are withered down, each fight taking off a little bit more combat strength, but Old Rancagua has only lost 1000cs over the last week and that is becasue some of the army has had to go back to Oroya to replenish, bringing back a completly new army. Even with our forces in between replenishment. Rancagua forces still carnt break through.

So we say this to you general Rhino. "Give up stop embaressing yourself, think about all the families you are destroying in Rancaguan Lands."

Total: 7 attackers (22 Inf, 98 Arch, 8 Cav) 34 defenders (381 Inf, 396 Arch, 22 Cav) Total combat strengths: 1216 vs. 7439 1 neutral observers (0 combat strength).

In that last battle Rancagua had all of 128 men against 799 men of Old Rancagua. It seems that Rancagua training centres are a bit low on numbers, and i dont see many men volenteering to join up. We think they have seen the true light and decided against signing their own death warrent. By Sam, Count of Juazeiro

Archers or Infantry?
Archers or Infantry? That is the question.

What do you prefer? Personally I go for Infantry and as a Hero, I like to get stuck in with my men. I have only ever had archers once, and that was because the recruitment centre had nothing else. But lets take a look at the facts:

Archers: Good if you are in a defensive position with the enemy advancing towards you, dont take to many casulties if you have infantry support. Need Infantry support to protect them from the enemy. Inefective in wind or bad conditions.

Infantry: Good all rounders, can take on any enemy. Provide support for the archers. Slow over open ground, take some heavy casulties if in the middle of a battle which last a long time. Become cannon fodder if attacking walls without seige equipment.

Then again, you can never have to many of one lot. So lets here your decision on type of foot soldiers. By Sam, Count of Juazeiro