Sartania/Sartans Code Of Conduct

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!Moral Code Of Conduct

The moral code of conduct was formaed by Sartan in his formative years - when he was still naive and easily impressionable. The code of conduct was considered rigorous and challenging to the mind, soul and body.

While the moral code just applied to Sartan, priests and priestesses that followed extended the code to adapt each class of people. while most of the code is common to all - some has been adapted to suit the hierrarcy of people.

These extensions were found in runic texts found in the Ibldesh library and copies sent over to Sartania by family members.

-=For Nobles=- New nobles are expected to choose a Knight, those unwilling to choose one will serve under the Pontifex and will

-=Knights=- To serve Sartan and aid their superior liege in every aspect. As warriors looting and pillaging is not allowed.

-=For Region Commanders=- People come first - Starvation/Rioting/independence will not be tolerated.

-=For Councils=- To listen to the pleas of their subjects, and act to alleviate their problems

-=For Priests and Priestesses=- Lead a rigorous life of prayer, solitude and enlightenment.

-=For Devotee=-

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