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Tara lost yet another region! Man 13 of Jun, 2005 Tonight Tara lost Jagla to Ash Sea Islands. Thereby the enemy is closing in on the Taran capital Aja, threathning to cut it of from the rest of the realm. It will be intersting to see if Tara et al. can fight back or they will just stay behind the great walls of Aja shaking.

Uncontrolable Suville Man 13 of Jun, 2005 Suville is again thrown into riots and plundering as a large demonstration against the local lord got out of hand for the Abingtons. Many in Suville say that they have not recieved the proper attention from the govenment in Riverholm with the war in Tara and they would be better of without the Abingtons.

Tarasac rebelled Man 13 of Jun, 2005 Tara have lost Tarasac to Cagilan Empire as the people grew to dissatisfied with the Tarans. Some even say that Tara totally abandoned the citizens of Tarasac. It will be interesting to see if Sauvia will follow now the region have been cut of from the rest of Tara.

Darka hired against old ally Man 13 of Jun, 2005 Darka have been hired to war against their old ally Talerium. In an open letter to the rulers of Atamara Talerium was given a three day warning by Darka. It is unknown who have hired Darka but rumours, and the new alliance between Darka and Minas Ithil, indicates Minas Ithil is behind. Further many say Darka got a very good offer they could not refuse. The contract are likely to take both Darka and Talerium out of the rest of the wars on Atamara and therefore can be seen as benneficial to many realm of the east and northeast. Tara is likely to have a hard time though.

Moramroth returns to Norland Tir 07 of Jun, 2005 The mountain people have after being under Norland reign grown so unsatisfied with Eston that they today deside they wanted live under the Norland banner. Therefore they stormed the Eston region office and replace the officials with Norland loyalists.

Lothruin given to Minas Ithil Ons 01 of Jun, 2005 Today Falasan handed the region of Lothruin over to Minas Ithil as a gift. Apparently it was given in gratitude for the help Minas Ithil gave in the defeat of Southasland. After the war Falasan got to keep the regions of Southasland. The people of Lothruin was not at all pleased with the arrangement. Many of then though it was done over their heads and several protest marches was seen both in Lothruin and Barad Gardor.

Peace between Darka and Minas Ithil Tir 31 of Maj, 2005 Darka and Minas Ithil have annouced the signing of a treaty of non-agression between the two realm and thereby they also officially withdraws from the war between Eston and Norland/Barony of Makar. At the same time Darka have lowered their relations to Talerium. It will be interesting to see how the situation evolves. Rumours informs us it was caused by nobles in Talerium talking of conquering Darkan.

Falasan under maternal rule! Tir 31 of Maj, 2005 The nobles of Falasan have aggreed to support Cathrine as the new Queen of Falasan. After long intrigues and votations Cathrine and supporters managed to gain the power on account of the old King of Falasan, Maniac.

New occupations Tir 31 of Maj, 2005 The last days have seen two regions under new banners. Firstly Abington managed to regain control of the lost city of Suville. Abington have always had troubles with the people of Suville and one can only hope for the Abingtons, things are under control now.

In the north, more dramaticly, Norland took control of the Eston region Ashmoor. Some would say that Norland retook it as it once belonged to the norlanders and was lost to Eston. After the war have runned back and forth between Eston, Barony of Makar and Norland for some time, it looks like Eston have troubles holding ground in the north but is more successful in the south.

Moramroth returns Ons 18 of Maj, 2005 Eston have retaken control of Moramroth, which they lost to Norland some days back. Rumours tell of heavy support by Talerium even though they officially is neutral in the conflict.

Darka hands back Tarasac to Tara Tir 17 of Maj, 2005 Darka have decided to hand back Tarasac to Tara. Tarasac was part of the Taran lease of Darkan troops agreed between the two realms. This indicates that the deal is off and Darka is no more supporting Tara with troops in its wars. It is likely that Sauvia will follow Tarasac shortly.

Minas Ithil go against Darka Tir 17 of Maj, 2005 Minas Ithil have declared war on Darka possibly as a result of the war between Eston and Darka and Norland and Barony of Makar. Hereby the north have been strenghtend, but Minas Ithil are likely to draw troops away from the south, so for Tara and Ash Sea Islands the future looks brighter. The hole situation is said to have evolved from a spy leacking information from Darka to Minas Ithil.

Execution in Shanandoah Søn 08 of Maj, 2005 Today Fred Squire was executed in the capital of Minas Ithil. Many people from all over Atamara had come to see this and rejoys. After he was banned from Minas Ithil a little month ago, due to a assassination attempt on the Arch Priest of Minas Ithil, when recapture Minas Ithil decided on a short process and a farst execution.

Southasland falls Søn 08 of Maj, 2005 This morning saw the fall not only of Tucha but also of the proud realm of Southasland. Many perils have the people of this little harsh realm seen. From its formation on the ruins of Tuchanon it have been at war with the greatest realms of Atamara. Long did it survive, but have now fallen after the third failed Tuchanonian realm. It is a sad day for all that remember Southasland at its glory, though many nobles on Atamara have been celebration its current government's fall.

Lost Prime Minister! Lør 07 of Maj, 2005 Today disturbing news reached the world from Cagilan Empire about the recent election. Apparently they was forced into new election as the former Prime Minister Koradji have gone missing! Nothing have been heard or seen about him for some time.

Execution of a fallen king Fre 06 of Maj, 2005 The loyal Tuchanon, Fred Squire from Southasland, was caught today in an attempt upon the life of Broach II, Arch Priest of Minas Ithil. Informants from Minas Ithil tells that gallow in Shanadoah have been repaired and officials shoudl have said he is expected to receive the death penalty for his crimes against Minas Ithil, Southasland, and common humanity.

Fred once ruled Tuchanon II and have recently been General of Southasland. It is indeed a long way to fall for a noble to become an infamous infiltrator.

Revolt in Inxi Ons 04 of Maj, 2005 Today the people of Inxi have revolted against the tyranic govenment in Aja and abandoned Tara. Instead they have joining Falasan, obviously having more confidence in their ability to protect them.

Southasland falling Tir 03 of Maj, 2005 Latest rumours from Tucha speak of chaos in the government and brutal Falasian replacement of officials. Many Southaslanders have cried for help from their allies in vain. It looks like Tara is not willing to help and the fall of Southasland is predicted to be near.

Battle in Fiddleford Tir 03 of Maj, 2005 Yesterday a large battle was fought in Fiddleford between Barony of Makar, Norland and Eston and Darka. Eston and Darka was successful in defending the region from the northeners. Contrary to the recent statements from the King of Darka, it looks like Darka have desided to enter into the war afterall and that Eston did not fell capable to fight the Barony and Norland by itself. It will be interesting to see what this new development will bring.

Tucha overrun! Søn 01 of Maj, 2005 This evening the Southasland capital, Tucha, was invaded by a large force from Falasan and Minas Ithil. Rumours tells of looting and plundering as the Southasland forces was outnumbered and the Dictator wounded. Southasland is therefore likely to spin into chaos and it will be interesting to see who will take command of the scattered Southasland forces.
