Uceek Family/Evangeline/circus

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Revision as of 12:00, 12 December 2006 by Uceek (talk | contribs) (roleplay)
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Roleplay from Evangeline

Walking through the streets of Aix, Evangeline noticed a sign posted on one of the building walls.

"The circus is coming to town?", she asked her loyal scribe Jeffery.

"It appears so M'Lady", Jeffery answered.

Pondering to herself as she read the long list of attractions on offer, she finally turned to Jeffery with a smile on her face.

"There's no mention of Clowns on here"

Puzzled Jeffery began looking at the poster.

"I have an idea, contact Lady Derthida and tell her that I have some Knights that would be perfect for the part."

Jeffery looked at his mischevious leige,

"And who would they be, M'Lady?"

"Maelg, Magnus and Mikolas of course" she grinned,

"Better yet", she added, "Has Magnus still got that dress? Every good circus needs a bearded lady"