Uceek Family/Evangeline/AustinAunt

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Roleplay from Austin

Austin sits on the wall outside his family's house, looking down the road in both directions. He had invited Lady Evangeline to visit his family's home today, seeing as she could no longer visit her own family in Zawr...and she had visited his family once before, and told his aunt some outrageous stories of his drinking tab in Partora. Austin had not visited his family since then, and he was a bit scared to face his aunt, since she would not be pleased to learn that the money she had given Austin at his last visit was used to pay off a bar tab. Of course, the bar tab was technically Lady Evangeline's, a little detail Evangeline had left out when speaking to his aunt...

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline hurried towards Sir Austin's family home, the invitation was late but she was determined not to stand him up again. As she rounded the final corner she saw him waiting for her. He was distractedly slumped on the wall, hair ruffled, his face was creased with concern. Was he really that afraid of his Aunt's reaction?

Around his legs two tabby cats were weaving back and forth purring. It seemed that in the way that cats were afraid of Magnus, they were allured to Austin. As she came closer he looked up, jumping off the wall. She noticed that there were two more cats that had been sitting beside him.

'Sir Austin, I am honoured that you invited me to your families home, again' He bowed politely and looked at her. His eyes sparkled with playful amusement as he gestured towards the house.

Together they walked up the pathway and knocked on the door. .

'Evangeline, welcome back! I'm so glad you have returned', Austin's aunt enthusiastically embraced Evangeline. A smile beaming across her face.

Stepping back she looked cooly towards Austin.

Roleplay from Austin

Austin's aunt continued to give him the hard look, while he looked nervously around wondering where the rest of his family was to save him. Finally, his aunt broke the silence.

"So Lady Evangeline told us at her last visit that you were being a bit irresponsible with the gold that your family was generous enough to give you. Something about skipping out on bartabs for weeks at a time in Partora? Just what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Well aunt, you see, it was actually Evangeline's bartab and she had originally skipped out on it and-"

"Enough! I won't stand here and listen to you make this ridiculous claim against this dear woman. And even if it was indeed her bartab, a gentleman should always be ready to pay! And what is this I hear about you drafting the bartender in Perdan to fight in your unit? I've never heard of anything so irresponsible! What if he had been killed? How would you have justified his silly forced adventure to his family? And one other thing, I don't want to hear that you're talking to cats in public ever again! Do you have any idea how embarrassed your parents were? It's bad enough you make them keep those four cats around here while you're gone! If it was up to me, they would have been drown or given to Sir Magnus for a good stepping on! Now you best get your act together and stop all this irresponsible behavior! You're a noble and a representative of this family, and you better start acting like one!"

Austin stood there in silence, stunned that his aunt had been able to get that entire speech out in a single breath. Evangeline stood off to the side with her eyes on the floor, trying her best not to laugh.

Austin opened his mouth to begin his explanation when his aunt cut him off again, but this time with a softer tone, "Don't even bother, just remember to pay your bartabs right away from now on...and seriously, no more talking to cats. Now come along, its time for dinner. Lady Evangeline, we'd be honored if you'd dine with us, of course."

Austin followed his aunt into the dining hall, thanking the various gods that his aunt's anger had passed so quickly. Of course, she was used to his...eccentric behavior. This had not been the first time she'd had to correct him, and he knew it certainly wouldn't be the last.