Light of Fontan/The Passings
Hannibal stepped out of Akesh Temple and wandered a few paces from its entrance. The grounds were vast and empty, cold and depressing in this winter light. Due to a lack of funds the gardens had delapidated beyond repair. Hannibal saw Jerix riding up to the gates on his horse.
"Jerix! What brings you here?!" shouted Hannibal over to the gates.
"I have an important request for you, and wanted to bring it to you in person".
Hannibal let out a sigh. It's not that he didn't like Jerix's company, he just was getting bored of sitting in Akesh Temple all day with no one to fight. As most of the older knights knew, Hannibal was once a fierce fighter and would have probably followed Solar if he had the choice back when he was a knight of Fontan.
"Are we going to war with anyone yet??!". Hannibal had the voice of wishful thinking.
Jerix shook his head, "No Hannibal, at least that's not why I am here. I have been speaking with the Pontifex and we are both think we should build a temple here devoted to the Light of Fontan."
Hannibal pondered this for a few seconds, not really sure what to say. "Why don't we go inside? I only came out here to find something to do. But there's nothing, just a wasteland."
The two headed inside Akesh Temple, and climbed the stairs to the Avatar of Light's office. Hannibal ordered one of his servants to prepare a meal and a few drinks, no doubt they both needed a strong one.
"Jerix, we already have a temple. And it's huge...large enough for a temple in Fontan city. Speaking of temples, how is the Temple of Light doing in Fontan? I miss that place, it seemed more like home than this sprawling buildings that's built upon who know's what".
"You know how things are. Lycastus is tending to it. As you know the Temple of Light is only small and we don't let outsiders in often. We really need to build our own temples devoted to our religion so that we can spread the word and allow people to join more easily."
Hannibal had a ambivalent look on his face, "Hmm...well the grounds here are vast, I'm sure we could build hundreds of more temples, but what I really think we need is to build a city here. If only there was a way to attract people here...." A spark fired in Hannibal's eyes "Of course you're right, a new Temple dedicated to our religion and connected to our other religious temples would draw people over from afar!"
Jerix went to speak but got cut off-"Jerix, let's go to Fontan and prepare plans with Lycastus. What with the whole island at peace almost, we can build up our religion more effectively and empower ourselves as the guiding force of the Light on this continent!!" Hannibal finally had a direction, something he had been waiting for, for a long time. "We'll set off tomorrow at dawn, but for now let's drink and discuss old times!"
The two slowly got more and more drunk before heading out to the village pubs. The locals looked surprised to see such respected men act so lewdly, but they welcomed them the same as how Hannibal and Jerix had always welcomed them into Akesh Temple.
Lycastus heard a knock at the door. Jerix was stood there looking fairly pleased with himself.
"Come in Jerix!" Lycastus shouted as if he had a sixth sense.
Jerix stepped in, and before he could utter a word Lycastus spoke: "I didn't think Hannibal would be interested, I could have saved you the trip if you listened to m" and just at that moment Hannibal stepped in to the surprise of Lycastus.
"Pontifex, I am at your service" stated Hannibal rather formally, whilst Jerix stepped aside to let him through.
Lycastus spoke still with surprise in his voice, "Hannibal, I wasn't expecting you. I mean, we haven't heard from you and people are starting to wonder...What I mean to say is that most people assumed you would be too busy with Akesh Temple issues."
Hannibal ignored the Pontifex's weak attempt to make excuses for him. "Lycastus I must apologise for my reclusive behaviour. It's been a long winter which seems to have no end in sight up in Akesh Temple's mountains. To tell the truth, Akesh Temple is quiet, cold, boring and turning into a wasteland. There's simply not enough people there to attend to the grounds and keep everything civilised. Sending troops is not enough I'm afraid. We need carpenters, black smiths, farmers...people to work in the region."
Lycastus wasn't sure what to say so let Hannibal continue.
"Jerix spoke to me a few days ago and I have to agree with what he said. If anywhere needs an influx of people it is my region. A new temple devoted to our religion should hopefully draw people over from afar. From speaking to the locals, we've learnt that many of them are scared of Akesh Temple because of what we have discovered in the Catacombs, and read in The Books. "
At this point Jerix decided to add a few words "And if we get enough followers we can influence other regions nearby, which could provide a good defensive barrier."
Lycastus replied with a grin, "So we are all in agreement then?" Hannibal and Jerix both said "Yes"
The three signed a document to build and protect the Light of Fontan Temples.
The Founder (Pontifex Lycastus), Avatar of Light (Haruspex Maximus Hannibal), and Lunar High Priest (Jerix) stood outside the completed Light of Fontan Temple.
Hannibal spoke first, "It's not as big as Akesh Temple next to it...but then I guess size isn't everything!" Hannibal chuckled to himself as the others managed a weak laugh.
"So what for you now Hannibal?" asked Jerix.
"I think I'm going to have to be a priest for some time. I wish there was another way, but the locals probably won't accept the religion if I'm not their priest. " Hannibal let out a sigh. "There's just one thing left to do," and with that Hannibal handed Jerix his cloak and keys to Fontan city. "You'll be needing these Jerix."
Jerix looked a bit confused..."Hannibal, what are you doing?"
Hannibal replied, "Me and Lycastus spoke about this privately and as you may know, Priests cannot be Judges. It's a stupid rule I think, but even I cannot change it. So we decided that you'd be the best person for the job. There's not going to be a ceremony though, there's too much focus on the temples and we don't want to draw people's attention away from it."
Jerix was lost for words, but had always thought in the back of his mind that there were few others as qualified as he to judge the realm based on the religious values.
"Thank you.. I don't know what to say.... I will do my best to uphold the law as you have done yourself Hannibal"
"Don't get too settled Jerix, nothing lasts forever" joked Hannibal, this time getting a few good laughs.
The three men stood there watching the celebrations surrounding the Light of Fontan Temple. It was the first time that Hannibal had seen the region seem truly alive, with a future and destiny. It was a time of hope and peace. What lay before them did not seem to matter anymore. The sun was setting but it felt warm...the winter had been lifted and happiness spread like fire. All they knew was that everything was good, and that was enough.