The Elven Tribune/Issue 14

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Price: Free Circulation
Printed in Sirion City
Primary Editors: Doc Primus & Adrian Carstenspace Issue No. 14 Early December 2006

===Elven Tribune=== News and Events from the great Elven Realm of Sirion on the East Continent Price: Free Circulation
Printed In Sirion City

All articles written in the Elven Tribune are NOT necessarily the views of the Sirion government. They are the editor's opinions and veiws. If you seek more information regarding certain policies, please contact the Prime Minister of Sirion for official answers.


Sirion Army has roughly 15% more mobile troops

That's right, Sirion's army is refitted and ready to go. I myself--formerly troopless--was assigned a former militia unit, and will be moving to the front with a few straggelers after I tend to some personal business in Fontanese soils--Queen Evangeline of Perdan was gracious enough to save me a day worth of travelling, God bless her soul. So, Gregor and I, were fortunate enough to wipe out some monsters in Troyes...a baptism of evil blood on our sacred blades...they are clean no more, and they will only get filthier once we enter the Islands for the first time. So long as I have breath, my life will be for Sirion, albiet these wounds ache, there is still work to be done! I cannot rest until a stable peace exists: if only for one day! -Doc

What a Long Trip!

The trip into Stora from Kazan is twenty-four hours long! For a man of my age...that is four ticks!!! The average round-trip time found from various Sirionites back to Oligarch after the first campaign was reported to be 15 turns. Then of course there is the trip of OC to Sirion...another 6 turns or so--for those that lost most of their units, and/or need to add more troops. Hopefully AS can be defeated once and for all with this offensive because an Army simply cannot effectively travel so far from its capital and attain success easily. There are simply too many gaps for errors, we pray that Perdan relieve some of the pressure sooner than later. This war is costing Sirion a fortune--in troop's pay, so the Soldiers are happy...but the nobles are broke. May the spine of Avamar be broken on this trip because Fontan's own trip up here isn't that much shorter either...and Sirion probably won't be back with a large army for 10-14 days after the return home to resupply. -Doc

Rebellion in Old Rancagua?

In a windy speech, some unknown--at least to myself--was heard to of said this (among other things of course):

"Although my grandfather, Charger the Great, writes in his manuscripts I have recently found, that no mercy should be given to all those that betrayed him and the realm once, I have decided to spare you if Dekion and the members of the Council step down immediately. I don’t care how many times you have insulted his name with countless lies and mud sling, I won’t follow his example. Join us in the new age of peace, or disappear completely forgotten from history."

His grandfather, Charger the Terdling, I knew of quite well. He was a sham, and a lie and also took advantage of a situation such as this one (The Bulk of Old Rancagua's Army is in Stora, 7-9 ticks away from Ashforth!)...Charger was not even an Old Rancaguan...just a little Oligarchian troublemaker purposely sent to Old Rancagua with a few other 'spies' or 'foriegn insurgents' to topple the legitimate government. They were successful, but then reality hit, HARD. The Old Rancaguans returned, and retook the government.

It seems that bad blood is bad blood anyway you want to look at it. Tis a shame, really, but this man's family will surely never be welcome in Sirion lands either...mostly because this young mind thinks of Charger the Terdling as a Great Man. Such low standards of excellence poison a society--as seen here. -Doc


Earlier today, divine intervention took place in Old Rancagua. This is what was rumored to of been said by a voice in the heavens after numerous Old Rancaguan nobles fell over dead, killed by bolts of lightning: "This should have taken out the bad people from this affair. If there is anyone I have missed - I suggest you hide and learn your lesson before I find you, too." So beware, evildoers...the gods are always listening. -Doc

Official Political Parties

Green Party

"Defending the Rights of all People to Toke freely in the Republic! Headquarters are in Oligarch City, next to the Doughnut Shop, in the Hemp Cafe"

"Find a Peaceful Solution so we can all kick back and Relax!"