The Free South Times/Hireshmont's Letters

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Important Orders from Hireshmont Message sent to the Rulers of this world (20 recipients) As Co-Editor of the Free South Times, I believe I have a response to make to that friendly individual, Mr. Grim-Reaper.

Grim-Reaper, on pain of spanking, I command you, by the power vested in me as Arch Priest and minister of law and justice in Irombrozia to surrender Wudenkin to the Ceded Cities Alliance, to be formed into a free, soverign nation. Following this, you shall pay 750 gold in tribute EACH WEEK to Irombrozia, and another 250 gold to a nation of Irombrozia's choice.

Why shall you do this? How is it that Irombrozia has so defeated Avalon?

Quite simple: We're better at writing newspapers.

Not only that, but we can SPELL. Yeah, thats right. By virtue of superior intellect and wit, we claim victory over the lowly creatures known as Avalonians. In the Irombrozian Dictionary of Common Terms, "Avalonian" is synonymous with, "Those who rely upon legal loopholes to achieve anything", as compared to Luz de Bian, which is defined as, "Those who are equivalent to undead in all cataegories of note yet, for some odd reason, remain living".

As such, I command you to surrender. Bow to the Free South Times, yes Grim-Reaper, bow.

PS- This is not to be taken as the official opinions of Irombrozia, nor to be taken in any means as an official diplomatic adress. The correct term for what this message is is, "Insult" or "Satire" or "Sarcasm" or "Propaganda". Funded by the Swords for Irombrozia Fund.

PSS- Dont worry, I'll fine myself for inappropriate behavior when I finish writing this letter. Dont even bother asking King Marc to punish me for my insults, I'll do it myself.

Hireshmont Arch Priest of Irombrozia

Report from Hireshmont Message sent to the Rulers of this world (20 recipients) Greetings, rulers of the world

I have sent messages of various sorts to you in the past. Some have been ill mannered and insulting, some not so insulting. The one you are about to read is NOT meant to insult, merely to display a series of facts, and a series of inferences based upon those facts.

Luz de Bia has tried four times in the past to TO Irombro. four subsequent TO attempts. During the Sack of Irombro, 15,000 peasants were slain, over 50% of Irombro's population, and roughly 50% of the population of Irombrozia on the whole.

Currently, they have roughly 8800 CS stationed in Rii, after having soundly defeated our army there and breaking our TO, and they look to be advancing on Irombro for another round of trying to take our city.

Allow me to describe to you the strategic situation here in the southlands: 1. Irombro is our capitol, thus the people are inherently hardy and loyal 2. We have, for a realm our size, a relatively low tax rate, so the people are content under us 3. Amekal is the best priest in the world, with a preaching skill of 90-100%. 4. Irombro is 100% Qyrvaggian, the religion Amekal leads. 5. Irombro is our capitol, thus we can recruit there 6. The people, being loyal and zealous and naturally inclined to fight for their independence from foreign powers (something the Duchy of Irombro has always been known to be prone to do), will naturally rise up against Luz de Bian invaders.

Combine those 6 factors and Luz de Bia has one option: mass brutality.

Irombro currently has a population of 19121 people. Irombrozia has a food surplus, but not much.

WIth that situation I outlined above, the morale and loyalty of the people physicall cannot be broken, unless the combined armies of AT LEAST Luz de Bia and Avalon are present, likely detachments from Enweil would also be required. The army would need to be, likely, around 38,000 CS, twice the population of Irombro.

You see, the morale and loyalty of Irombro cannot be lowered in the suituation currently in place. Thus, Luz de Bia is left with two tactics, both of which have the same result: 1. Seige and Starvation- Simple enough. Starve the people. When there are none left to resist, the region will necessarily be vulnerable, and fall. Starvation has already been used by Luz de Bia once. Avalon's second campaign down here, to Bolkenia, had LdB and Avalonian forces pillaging Bolkenia, with desire to inflict starvation. Luckily, we had food reserves and we drove the Avalonians out, so starvation was minimal.

2. Mass Killing- Also very simple. Invade with an army big enough to surpress all military resistance and crush peasent revolts. Loot. When peasants rise up, kill them. Do so until defeated or forced out for other reasons. This is the policy of Luz de Bia in the past as well, hence the Sack of Irombro.

Both are very effective. Irombro will only fall one way: slaughter of all people, or so many that the region is, for all intents and purposes, a dead region.

I write this message for a few reasons. Firstly, I wish to dissuade Luz de Bia from continuing their course of aggression. Secondly, I wish to issue a wakeup call to the world.

Luz de Bia's current leadership has exhibited both the ability, and the willingness, to commit mass genocide against the people of Irombrozia on a scale that, if the history books are right, matches or exceeds that of the Undead.

Now allow me to add in a few other variables. The situation I outlined above did NOT include the fact that Riombara, the Republic of Fwuvoghor, and Fronen all also stand against Luz de Bia. Luz de Bia cannot sustain constant aggression against Irombrozia. Thus they do not even do the mercy of ONE wave of killing, then peace. No, instead they come, kill a few thousand, and depart when they need to. They prolong the suffering.

I urge you, the leaders of the world, to push Luz de Bia to either make serious concessions to end this war and make reparations for the damage done, or else more nations need to ally against Luz de Bia, to punish it for its cruelties.

Yes, we in Irombrozia have pillaged and looted as well. But we have done so, A: in rural regions where casualties are far less severe, B: as an accompaniement to a takeover, not as an ends in itself.

Please, heed this message, and take thought. Luz de Bia's current leadership has shown willingness to commit outstanding acts of brutality, combined with a sheer imperialistic desire. The power bloc formed by Avalon, Enweil, and Luz de Bia, if Luz de Bia defeats Irombrozia, thus making Riombara easier to defeat, is one every nation in Beluaterra should be aware of, and likely fear.


Hireshmont Arch Priest of Irombrozia