Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/Book 2/Druid Return

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Revious: Dark Waters

Hector returns to the Druids

Hector walks into the order of the druids, in Cteduul. It's dusty and cob webs adorn the walls. It's been a while since he stepped foot in a temple, and he had started to quiver a bit as he thought about leaving his sword at the door. He went into the preachers chamber and noticed a candle was burning. He looked around and the door closed behind him. As he spun around the tiny chamber, he finally noticed a shadow in the corner. It came forward and lifted it's hood.

"Arian!" Hector smiles.

Arian looks a little disturbed and does not return his smile. "You have forsaken your duties, my old friend. You gave an oath, the devine one does not look kindly on lying."

Hector hangs his head, then looks up, and gazes into Arian's eyes. "I am but human, Arian, I've went in search of something to quench my soul's restlessness, but have yet to find it. A calm sooths me here, so, I've returned, if the order will have me".

Arian gazes into Hector's eyes, and says, "It is not me to judge, but the MooreShade to do that."

Hector glances around at his chamber. "Arian, I've returned to spread the faith of the order, and I shall do so with all my heart. I ask you to trust me".

Arian turns away and looks back again, "Hector, you're not the only one to have lost faith and returned, it happens to almost all of us. Of course I shall not judge you, or stop you."

Hector and Arian leave the chambers and head to another room, where they drink ale and talk of old times. This new adventure will be one for all times, Hector thinks to himself.

Next: coming soon