Selemnir Family/Mordoc

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Mordoc Selemnir is the eldest son of the late Godric. He began his career in the Barony of Makar on Atamara where the family estates were located before they were moved south. However Mordoc quickly grew anxious to depart his homeland and see what the rest of the world had to offer. Hearing of tales of adventure and honourable men, Moedoc soon found himself on a ship to the fabled land of Belauterra.

Finally landing, Mordoc was quickly accepted as a noble of the democratic realm of Mesh. This was his first taste of democracy, after having grown up in a tyrranical realm, and soon found a niche for himself. However his enjoyment of the land was shortlived, as soon after his arrival word of an undead and monster invasion cspread from the north.

Mordoc fought bravely against the coming tides of hellspawn, as did the other Meshian nobles, but they soon found themselvves penned inside their capital city of Twillen. After months of fighting, and hundreds of fallen comrades and soldiers, friends of Mordoc's noticed that his mind had begun to slip. With every knew death he found himself personally affected, as if a piece of himself had been killed. His mental state began to worsen, and he could be seen ranting to himself on the ramparts of the city. Finally, Mordoc fought his last battle on the island, and his close friend Delwin, a young soldier who had been with Mordoc since he first left home, was killed. At this Mordoc snapped, and began to shriek at even the sight of a monster or undead. With the death of his friend Mordoc vowed to never command troops as a soldier again, and turned to a life of infiltration and sabotage. Seeing he could no longer help in their desperate fight, the nobles of Mesh bid Mordoc a fond farewll, and he departed.

Mordoc returned to Atamara, to find that his families estates had been relocated. Not wanting to live in the southm Mordoc joined the realm of Minas Ithil, where he began his training as an infiltrator. He quickly became quite skilled, and ejoyed a long stint as one of the realm's dedicated men of the shadows. However, on one failed mission, Mordoc found himself in the dungeons of the malicious Vos Estis. In his dungeons Mordoc was tortured mercilessly, and his hand was maimed until isseless, ending his infiltration career. (Mordoc often hides his ruined right hand from sight, as can be seen in his portrait above.) Once he escaped from the dungeons, Mordoc returned to Minas Ithil to recover.

Unable to continue his work as a sabateur, Mordoc turned to the calming life of bureaucracy. He quickly became a skilled administrator, and was appointed as the Count of Rotherthorpe. He continues to defend the realm from the odd monster uprising, and travells the regions ensuring they stay nicely in the fold of Minas Ithil. For his skill, which now exceeds 80% in bureaucracy, Mordoc was elected to the position of Arch Priest, which he currently holds.

To this day Mordoc speaks very little of his time in Belauterra. Whenever he is called to defend the realm from onsters, he becomes grave and silent. He sticks to his vow never to lead men into battle as as a soldier, and seems now to have finally found a calling in life.

Titles recieved to date

  • Count of Rotherthorpe
  • Arch Priest of Minas Ithil