Church of Rachna/Book of Creation

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Church of Rachna, Book of Creation

Part 1-1 Chaos and Belauterra… In the beginning their was only nothing, Chaos ruled for their was only chaos. But in all this nothingness he saw what could his own; what was rightfully his; So Chaos used his strength and created our world . Unfortunately this robbed him of more power than had anticipated. He was a broken vessel and could not finish that which he started: Thus he used the little power he had left to create his children, The creaters of the super continent Collasai Belauterra; Their names were Thor, Most powerful of the children and creator of the sky, The goddess San’ereth, creator of life and twin to Ahura Mora, goddess of death, Taigaroa, creator of stone and earth, Shui Anne, the mother of water and sea. Their were many other major not that of Chaos’s birth, such as the children of Thor, Dinash, god of the sun and Seline, goddess of the moon. Their were also Baal, father of destruction and recreation, who was said to have been born when San’ereth fought her sister for Taigaroa as a mate. During this Baal was awakened by their fight and rose out of a mountain sending smoke and volcanic rock to the earth; their was also Mephisto, lord of hate and his sister Preet, goddess of love.

Part 2-1 Elves and Humans When Chaos gazed down on our world he was angered so; his children had left the world to run with rabid beasts and uninteligant creatures. Taigaroa apologized and took clay and mud and created the Tlaloc, or the early humans who dwelled in caves and tunnels. This only angered Chaos more and he charged his daughter San’ereth to create a more intelligent and stronger race to rule our world. Thus she created the elves who were ordered by their lords to drive the humans from their Continent. In their success the five creaters gave the elves runes each holding their powers. (Air, death, water, life, earth); Chaos gave them two controlling runes (light and dark); and Baal secretly gave the elves the fire rune.

Part 2-2 Dragornia’gor Island Angered by the creation of the elves Taigaroa created a more intelligent group of humans (although not much smarter) and placed them on a small island created far to the east of C. Belluaterra. When Chaos learned of this he unleashed a horde of fire breathing and winged lizards on the island. The humans called them wyrms because of the way the moved through the sky. They later adopted the name dragons before their defeat in the 3rd War of the Wyrms.

Part 3-1 The Great War It is believed that sometime between the creation of the elves and The Cataclysm the five creaters took up swords and turned on their father Chaos. Many legions of elves joined both Chaos and the creators and helped fight for dominant control of the universe. Few of the higher gods joined Chaos, but among the most powerful were Baal and Mephisto who were chosen to lead his armies, beside the Elvin Warlord Meltro, against the rebel forces. Outnumbered Chaos was eventually pushed back until the enemy was at his gates. When the Creaters forces arrived they began an assault on the main gate that lasted 27 days until Thor and Taigaroa carved their way through the masses till they made it to the gate. Using all his might Thor shattered the gate with his massive hammer thus giving his forces entry to the Palace of Chaos. Forced to retreat Chaos’s men fled into the fortress with the rebels tight on their tails. Yet upon entry Thor made a grave mistake; upon entry their entrance became blocked and Thor realized the fortress was living. His forces were being slaughtered and couldn’t hold off the assault much longer so Thor grabbed his hammer and pushed his way to the throne room.

Part 3-2 Death of Chaos Upon entering the Throne room Thor ran to the foot on Chaos’s massive throne and challenged him to a duel. Drawing his twin blades Arken and Arkenine, Chaos fought Thor in a battle that lasted hours on end. Although Chaos was old and weak he still outmatched his most powerful son. Eventually Thor was pushed back until he lay against a wall. Thor watched as Chaos walked over and lifted his swords up to finish off his defeated son. Seeing his chance Thor gripped his hammer and stuck the hilt of his war-hammer and drove it through the chest of chaos. Their was a flash and a blast of flame that knocked the hammer from Thor’s hand. When Thor stood he now saw a strange nude black man standing were the black smudge that was all that was left of chaos. As Thor looked at the man he noticed he wept forgetting the hordes of Chaos’s loyal forces he moved closer to the man. A smile crossed the strange mans face as he looked up and into Thor’s eyes. Thor was swept with a tide of Horror as a scream gripped his thoughts and raw terror ran through his mind knocking him unconscious.

Part 3-3 Birth of Diablo When he awoke the man stood over him. He held Arkenine to Thor’s Throat and ordered him to stand with a voice that made the Elves and other creatures surrounding him shudder and slowly retreated backwards to the walls of the throne room. Thor slowly stood and glared at the nude warrior before him. As the man lifted Arkenine to finish Thor he muttered something that burned Thor’s ears. “ Brother, I am Diablo… Son of Chaos and lord of Terror… now die!” As Diablo began to bring down his sword their was a blast off to the right that stopped the newly born god dead in his tracks. As the smoke started to clear, a massive fireball melted the group of loyalists slowly approaching the newly arisen dust cloud. Their stood the great Gold dragon, Shula Sonel, and her human rider Kalev, the first rider and first human to grip Arken. As his dragon started tearing at the enemies before it, the remaining warriors of the rebels began to poor through the improvised entrance. Tripping Diablo Thor grabbed his hammer and sent a blast of thunder flying at the confused loyalists. As the rebels continued to poor into the throne room, the loyalists soon lost ground and eventually surrendered.