Diogeneia Family/Metaxas

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< Diogeneia Family
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A young man full of heart and ambition did make his presence known in his republic with a letter, copied and distributed amongst the people of his entire realm...

         ((o))                                      )
          \U/________          ______          ____/
            |                                     |
            |  Dearest Republic,                  |
            |                                     |
            |   My name is Metaxas, the meaning   |
            |  of which is; Silk Weaver. My poor  |
            |  family has given much so that I    |
            |  might be educated and brought      |
            |  among the ranks of the nobles.     |
            |  I have studied long in our fair    |
            |  kingdom and now wish to show the   |
            |  meaning of my name shines in the   |
            |  fabric of my rhetoric as well as   |
            |  in the needle like precision of    |
            |  my sword.                          |
            |                                     |
            |   Behold! Metaxas Diogeneia!        |
            |  May my family be known.            |
            |  May our influence reach far.       |
            |                                     |
            |                            -M.D.    |
            |                                     |
            |____    _______    __  ____    ______|
           /A\                                     \
          ((o))                                     )