Uceek Family/Evangeline/Austin3

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Austin always brings back the fun in Perdan :)

Roleplay from Evangeline

Walking to Brive...

Evangeline travelled along the dusty road, slightly sad that she wasn't going to be taking part in the upcoming battle. At least the men in her unit hadn't suffered, all had died an instant death instead of struggling with wounds.

She heard a familiar voice dictating to his scribe,

"My unit was entirely wiped out during the last battle, so I'm returning to Partora to await taxes and recruit."

"Sir Austin", she hailed her friend excitedly.

"I have no unit either... perhaps we can travel together to Partora, while we mourn the loss of our fine comrades. "

Austin turned to Evangeline,

"It would be my pleasure, my lady"

he quickly added,

"I should note, the travelling would be a pleasure, not the mourning"

Evangeline smiled, enjoying his easy company. She had missed Austin and his cheeky way with bartabs, cats and dodging his Aunt. It had been too long.

Walking along the road discussing his Aunt, his brother and the new cats he had found and brought home, Evangeline began to smile. The stresses and worries of the past days seemed to melt away with his fun banter and friendly face.

Indicating her empty purse by hefting it Austin's direction she asked,

"So who'll be paying the bar tab this time in Partora?"

Roleplay from Austin

(personal message to Evangeline)

"...and the third cat is black with white feet. It's much louder than the other cats, especially when its hungry, so I named it Magnus. It seemed very fitting, and ironic."

Evangeline laughed, and Austin enjoyed the sound. Her mood had improved considerably since they had first met up outside Brive.

Suddenly she lifted an empty purse, and showing it to Austin, asked, "So who'll be paying the bar tab this time in Partora?"

Showing her an empty gold purse of his own, an idea came to Austin, and a dangerous smile crept across his face.

"Well...I suppose we could have a friendly duel...loser pays?"

Roleplay from Evangeline

Evangeline & Austin, travelling to Partora...

Evangeline asks,

"So who'll be paying the bar tab this time in Partora?"

Showing her an empty gold purse of his own, an idea came to Austin, and a dangerous smile crept across his face.

"Well...I suppose we could have a friendly duel...loser pays?"

Looking sideways at her friend, Evangeline began to grin.

"I accept!! Sunset after we arrive in Partora, it will be decided."

Continuing their journey, Evangeline happily contemplated the upcoming duel and the free drinks she was expecting afterwards.

Returning to the previous conversation she asked,

"So you've named your newest cat Magnus? The loudest cat you've ever heard huh?"

Roleplay by Evangeline

Evangeline and Austin faced one another as the sun was setting. They began to grin as they both drew their swords. Knowing this was an even match, the duel could swing either way and one of them was going to be poorer at the end of it.

Austin stepped back defensively, tilting slightly towards Evangeline, eyes twinkling as he seemingly invited her to attack.

Wondering if she should risk it, Evangeline decided on trying her new trick moves. Gracefully raising her sword with two arms to the right she slowly let it drop then spin forward, directing the point squarely toward Austins face.

Without flinching Austin took another step backwards, raising his eyebrows, but continuing to smile.

With a slight shift of weight, Evangeline bunched her legs and pushed herself into the air. Landing beside Austin, she swung her sword around with a slight twist and managed to drag it close to his shoulder before he had moved his defense higher.

"Damn!!" he swore. Evangeline seemed to be shocked herself that the move had succeeded.

"Drinks are on you!!" she declared triumphantly.