Noorderlicht Family

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OOC Crest Background

The Noorderlicht crest originates from the midieval county of Flanders, where my ooc ancestors originate from. The county was located between England, France, Holland (north-eastern part of today's Belgium), and had a history of eternal indipendance struggle, but has been dominated most part of their history by their powerfull neigbours. Most renembered victory of the Flemish was in 1302, where an army of peasants defeated the royal army of France. (First time in history a army of heavy armored, welltrained Knights where defeated in a battle by peasants.)


The noorderlicht family oldest records date from their time living as smiths in the mountainarea of Elost on the continent of Atamare. The Noorderlicht family received his status of beeing "Noble" at 31 08 2006, in the duchy of Cantervern (Minas Ithil), where up to today the Family manor is located.


Current head of the Noorderlicht family is Snider, however this position is also claimed by his twin brother Pieter.

Snider ,Head of Noorderlicht Family , Knight Of Cantervern
Homus Cornelius
Alexiana ,Retired at Age 17 (2006-2006)

                                         || X Edwina Von Cantervern(+)
                          Snider(*)    Pieter   Alexiana(r)
                                                      X Homus Cornelius
  (r): Retired
  (+): Deceised
  (*): Family Head