DMagdala Family/Miryai

From BattleMaster Wiki

Miryai dMagdala

Physical Appearance

Miryai is a tall woman with fiery red locks of curls. She has greenish brown eyes and has supple milky skin. She is dainty looking like a fragile flower of purity. Her face that of youth and innocence

Birth Order

Miryai dMagdala is the eldest of three faternal triplets.


She is quiet and keeps to herself. Her voice is but a muffled utter unless she is preaching her gospel. She has a refined temperament and uses words to calm her listeners. She is gentle and kind to those around her and has a love for her fellow man or woman. She also shows kindness to the wilderness as you can often find her in travel from place to place. She truly feels that every action will have a reaction and those will be punished that chose to do harm. She has a conscious that overpowers all of her actions. She feels much guilt and repents for any action that may be unpure in heart.


She searches for truth and goodness in her world. She believes that everything has a balance and all things should be treated equally. She is sympathetic to those less fortunate than herself. She believes that every action has a reaction and there is never a choice that is made without consequences either bad or good. She feels that people are just blinded by certain truths and in this light they are aggressive and blood fills their hands and money corrupts their hearts. She is a soft spoken lady who wishes no harm on anyone except those doing evil deeds and when punishment is laid she repents for what she has done. That’s the beauty in the cycle. She gave up the soldier life before her first battle ever took place. She became a priestess passing the word of the Elders. She can be seen in lands far from home preaching the word.