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Revision as of 18:05, 6 September 2006 by Centaur (talk | contribs)
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Local lord: Proximus
Rank: Marquis
Allegiance: Duchy of Riverholm
Type: Townsland
Location: Coast
Population: 8897
Gold: 514 gold
Food: 146 bushels
Weather: East Islands
map-left.jpg 201.jpg map-right.jpg

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About the Region

Worav is currently the border region between ASI and Abington. The town of Worav sits on the coast, watching over the bridge heading to Wynford. From there good fishing and marketing can be done. Recently the war has left this town trying to recover, but continual military attacks has all but destroyed most of the infrastructure. Some of the Smaller villages outlying the town are still in good shape, and hopefully the region will stay in Abington's control, allowing for a quick rebuilding of the region's seat.

Abington's newpaper Worav Weekly is printed here, a new contribution by the Marquis in hopes of raising moral, and adding jobs to the war torn town.

Knights of Worav:

Proximus, Marquis of Worav