Nosferatus Family/Vlad/roleplays

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Unexpected Company - A Roleplay between Paris and Vlad

NOTE: posted on the RPG list on december the 8th 2005,An old rolplay in Vlads time as Royal treasurer Paaris his stay in Caligus was short.

Sir Paris is furious with his last tax received and he feels that it is needed to protect the valnurable People from the snooty High Nobility of Caligus.Thus,he takes the decision to head to the Royal Palace and meet the Royal Treasurer trying to find a solution.

As he reaches the gate,he announces himself to the guards and they let him enter.He seeks Lord's Vlad office and enters with haste wide-opening the doors.

"Lord Vlad, before we discuss about narrowing the current Tax's Class Gap,the People's rights have been violated and I can not stand doing nothing about it.

Therefore, he throws his glove to the Royal Treasurer's desk I challenge you to a duel till first blood.The People need protection and I am here to serve them the best way I can.Meet me at sunset at the Palace's gates!Now on our topic...he is so furious that shows disrespect by grabing a chair and sitting down next to the Royal Treasurer How can we change the tax system in order to please every side;yours and mine?"

Vlad was sitting behind his desk staring out of the window thinking about the letter he just wrote for Paris. Then sudenly the door was slammed wide-open... "Paris". Vlad, in total shock he grabbed his dagger until he reconized the face of Paris Lowenbruck. Before he could say anything a Glove was trown and landed just in front of him, on the desk. Paris starts to sit down next to him and anounces his dual. "Paris, I am totaly shocked by your actions".

His face somehow looks confused but full of anger. "This is absolutly not Acceptable, I invited you to the Palace to have a nice chat and i did NOT ask any of this".

He gives a hard stab with his dagger into the wooden desk. "You wrote a perfect letter to the council which i just replied, it is not necessary to react in this way before you received any letter back from me!" Paris gesture doesnt change, however when Vlad looks closer into his eyes he could clearly see that Paris did not suspect this reaction by the normaly, Quit calm man.

After a few seconds of total Silence Vlad rolls up the letter and hands it over to Paris. "Here, Now go, i dont wnat to see your ignorant face in this palace for the next days. The gaurds will get informed about this". Paris eyes gets cold and almost threathing towards Vlad after 3 or 4 seconds he leaves the room...

Paris gets out of the office,he reaches the Royal Palace's gates and his scribe informs him about Baron's Medium sayings...Then Paris remembers of his glove and turns back...

"Lord Vlad, I have come to take my glove back. After the last words of Lord Baron,my Honour needs to be protected and after that I will come to discuss it with you in private again." Paris grabs his glove and leaves the Room shutting the door behind him.

Before leaving the place Paris decides to open the door and speak again this time without entering the Room...

"We have not finished yet..." and he leaves.

When Paris walks away from Vlad's office he can hear him yelling a few words Containing "Medium" and "Unaceptable behaviour".

A few Days later:

It was well after midnight and Paris can not sleep at all...He is sitting on a rock just outside the City Walls and soliloquizes...

"What have I done?!What have I done?!!" Paris places his hands covering his face.

"I must be an idiot...Why can't I hold my temper??Is this the lesson that I must be tought??Is this my Vice that I need to work on?" he wonders.

"Vlad is a friend!And how have I treated him??And showing disrespect to the Council of Caligus?What am I doing???!!" Paris covers his face with his hands again.

He stands up and he starts walking towards the Royal Palace of Caligus again...

"Halt!" the guards restrained Paris from entering the Palace Court.

Paris draws his sword "Stand aside Soldiers!".

The guards do not react at all.

"There are orders written from the Royal Treasurer forbiding you approaching the Palace.Now leave or we might be forced to use our weapons." One of the quards calmly stated.

"I am Paris Lowenbruck and I demand to let me speak to your Master,Lord Vlad,Royal Treasurer of the Kingdom of Caligus!" Paris reacted.

"This is not possible.Now leave." the same guard responded.

Paris puts his sword inside its sheath and without saying a word turns around.He walks a few meters away of the guards and then he yells...

"Thief!Guards!! looks at the guards of the gate Guards!!!There is a thief down there!" Paris points to the direction and starts running with very low speed.

The guards without any moment of hesitation start running towards the direction that Paris had shown to them.He waits no longer and after the guards have surpassed him,the Noble turns around again and starts running towards the Palace Gate.

After entering the Palace,the Hero starts moving in Shadows like he was in a Secret Mission.

"It is more difficult than escaping the Fontanese Prison!" Paris murmured.

After crossing the Royal Palace Court,he reached the Royal Palace Building.There were some militiamen guarding the door,so Paris decided to hide himself behind the corner of the building and started throwing ballasts to the ground in order to disturb the guards.

"What is going on there?"

"I have no idea."

The soldiers were inquiring each other...

"Wait here I am going to check it out." one of them finally said.

When the militiaman approached the corner Paris hitted once to the soldier's face with his sword's handle and knocked him down to the ground unconscious.The time was passing without the soldier return to his position and Paris was still throwing ballasts.Thus the second militiaman decided to check it as well,resulting to the same way as with his companion.

As both of the sentries were knocked down,Paris found the opportunity to enter the building.

He sneaked into Lord's Vlad office, grabed a chair and he sat down at the Royal Treasurer's desk.

He took a piece of papper and started writting down a letter, Before he could even finish the letter he fell a sleep...

When Vlad just arrived in Domus he first inspected his troops and payed them there pay check.

After a discussion with the Captain of his unit he recruited 5 more troops after that he headed to the palace.

When he walked threw the beautiful gardens of Domus, he stooped at the just finished Statue of Dzikun, Hero of Caligus.

"Cartor has chosen a fine craftsmen for this job, it worked out pretty well"

When Vlad walked past the statue he could see the gate...

"What is this?"

A small group of 4 people are standing in front of the gate including his Brother, Grego.

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on here?"

Vlad is now standing right in front of the gate.

"Vlad! Good to see you here!".

Grego jumps up when he hears his brothers voice dooming up from behind him.

"Well there has been a violent accident and the Gaurds here wont tell any details, they dont even let me in!"

Vlad's mind was spinning with all kind of different thoughts.

"Guards, Tell me what happened!"

The guards look pretty uneasy and out of temper until one of them start to speak.

"Well, Sir, That little trouble maker Paris, He got in to your office".

The Guard makes a pause.

"He attacked the two sentries guarding your room. So We wont let anyone in at the moment..."

Fire starts to erupt out of Vlad's eyes.


"Well sir, he..."

Vlad doesnt let the gaurd finish his sentence.


"Sir, he..."

"Don't Explain any further, Where is he?!".

The other Gaurd takes it over.

"We found him sleeping on your desk, we tide him up and put him in the Dungeon."

"Open the Gate!!!"

The massive gates of the Royal palace open up and Vlad starts walking towards it.

When he passed the Gaurd he whispers something in his ears and deports towards the dungeons.

"I am going with you!"

Grego, Totally in shock, not aware of the recent events surpasses the guards leaving two unemployed Militia behind.

2 meters in front of the dungeons stands 4 guards gossiping about the recent events, they all seem to stand around one of them holding something that looks like a letter.


The guard runs towards Vlad.

"I think your looking for Paris, he is put in cell 24, he left this note on your desk when we found him".

Vlad looks confused over the letter reading it with extreme caution.

"My friend Vlad,

I ask you to forgive me about the attitude I have shown to you.You are my friend and I have even challenged you to Duel.I know what has forced me to act like that,but I was pretty sad after not being allowed to express my opinion the first time.I have been brought up according to the Avamarian lifestyle and I have learnt to always speak my mind whenever I think there is a reason to do so.

I meant no harm to you or to any of the Council members.I apology and I have decided to leave the Realm after the next battle in Supra (most probably) in order to join..."

"What is this? The letter is not even finished!"

"Yes that's the same thing we where wondering about this note, we found it under Paris chest while he was sleeping!"

Without saying anything Vlad puts the letter in his pocket and starts to move towards the dungeon.

When the two brothers enter the dungeon they could see Paris with his hands in his hair looking like a ghost, white as a sheet laying on his back in cell 24.


Paris, in total shock, looks up looking right in to the Furious eyes of the Royal Treasurer.

After several seconds of silence Grego starts to Talk.

"Paris, What happened? I just arrived back in Domus after my trip to Oliarch and Avamar and suddenly the guards wont let me in any more".

"Grego... Well, Things didnt really go as i planned..."


"VLAD! You have raged in frenzy enough for today!"

Grego starts to get Irritated by Vlad's mood.

"What is going on here? Why are you in Prison Paris? And why is Vlad so totaly out of control?

Normally he only get's this angry with Fontanees people or Yssarians."

"Let me tell you what this man did! From the first to the next day he stormed into my office, using my invitation to insult me in my own room!"

"Vlad i am really sorry, it was a mistake... I shouldn't be so disrespectful..."

Paris cant look into Vlads eyes.

"Have you read my letter?"

"Yes i have read it, you didn't even finish it..."

"Well i was rather sleepy at the moment, i am sorry. "

Paris finally starts to get back to his old self.

"But could you please let me out of this dungeon, I want to Fight for Caligus one more time and then i will be heading to Oliarch.... please!"

"I will not spread any bad words of This place, It was my own dumb faulth."

Paris seem to look down again but unaware of the Marquish, Paris looks from his left eye corner to "spy" at his expression.

Vlad looks towards Grego and they start to wisper something to each other.

After a long pause Vlad carefully nods.

"Paris, If you do as you promised, I will set you free to fight one last time under the banner of this Great Kingdom!"

"But Let me never see your face around here again!"

Vlad swiftly move towards the exit of the dungeon.

Grego waits until he can hear the echo of the big metal door slamming into the doorpost.

Then he starts to speak....

A Mysterious evening dinner - A roleplay between Vlad and Samson

NOTE: posted on the RPG list on december the 31th 2005,An old rolplay in Vlads time as Royal treasurer, Tokat was where he met with Samson to receive Ubents finacial aid, at that time.

Vlad and Samson walk on the streets of Tokat's largest Town, Obtal.

There was allot of life in town, there was a big marketplace with almost every goods in the continent available for a descend price, and there walking right in the middle of it.

"This is the place where we meet Grego, My brother".

A few days ago there was no one on the streets, a few days ago these same streets where covert with black dust, volcanic ash.

And now, only 3 days later, the town has sprung to life again...

Vlad and Samson had a good time, laughing about the Not-So-Clever-Traders, selling goods for absurd prices.

Sudenly, a rather Small man stood in Front of the 2 bankers, he bowed deeply to his brother.

When his head rose back, Samson could clearly see the matches, Same nose, same eyes.

There was a clear match, these are brothers and every one could see that.

"It has been a while again my brother".

Vlad nods and on both faces seemed to appear a soft smile.

Although he smiled, Grego didn't look so happy as a smile should represent, his thick brown hair was messed up and he almost draged his leg around.

"And you must be Samson?"

The steadiness in Grego's voice made the man Shiver.

"And you must be Grego?

Samson cunningly replies.

Grego offers Samson his hand and smiles.

"I like you Samson, we should have these kind of conversations more often..."

Samson smiled back but in his head many thoughts had cross, why did a trader looked even worse then fresh recruits from Moyale?

Automatically, his lips started to move.

"May i ask what happened there in Avamar? Did you fought with them? You look like you have fought 5 battles in one week..."

Grego's gesture is telling that it was one hell there in Avamar...

"Well... believe me, you don't want to go there, i didn't had any unit, i am not a man who eager's the smell of blood, the sight of the post-battlefield. It's nothing more then a hell...."

Grego Sighs, but only a few seconds later he lifts his head again.

"Anyway, back to besness, Have you read my letter? I have 700 food at my disposal".

After a Serious conversation about the financial aid from Ubent, Vlad invites Grego and Samson for a dinner in the Nosferatus Residence.

"Lady Anna will be our hostess, She is the best cook in town! I got to go now, there is still some paperwork waiting for me in my office."

After a formal hand shake and a respectful bow, Vlad disappears in the crowd...

Later that day.

The dinner table, There is where everything happens in the house of Anna Nosferatus.

Anna was the Youngest Sibling of Wladimir Nosferatus, the father of the three sons.

She inherited the House When Wladimir was Brutally executed on the Town Square.

Every family plan would be discussed on this table.

Years have past and Anna became a fable in the entire Region of Tokat.

The house is located close to the coast, hidden in a forest of tree's.

Merely a Hand full of people would pass the road, close to the house at night.

People where afraid, They thought that the soul of Wladimir haunted this Mansion.

To night, Anna has Guests...

Samson, Vlad and Grego are located in the dinner room, the room was dark.

The only light source came from a few candles and the small window on top of the wall.

The moon light falls upon the 4 silhouettes.

"Welcome, Noblemen".

Anne just sat down in the chair and looks around the table.

The power of her eyes made the entire atmosphere turn around, a cold shiver went threw Samson back.

"Greetings Lady".

Samson reached for her hand and gave a soft kiss on it.

As respect, for the hospitality.

Anna was still A beautiful lady, long dark hair, and soft skin.

But her Beauty can betray you from her cunningness, She is as Sly as a fox.

Vlad raised his cup.

"This Dinner is decicated to Ubents Finacial Suport to Caligus."

"Samson made this all possible, We, behalf of the entire Kingdom, thank you for your suport."

The feast could begin.

The Shadows are moving slowly...

There was never silence in the house of Nosferatus, if there no Geusts, the voices of Wladimir could be heard from upstairs.

It was more like a whisper, you could feel it in your entire body.

"The pain...."

It sounded like "pain".

I can Hear it every night when i go to sleep.

Sometimes I cant sleep, It's to cold.

The presence of a death one....

When the guest ate his meal, Anna and Vlad explained Samson the history of the family.

The brutal past, It hunted every member who survived the war for ever.

Samson seemed very interested in the story, But Grego didn't said a word.

The story continued and a painful Silence fell.

Finally this was interrupted by Anna.

Her cold voice asked Samson if he needed a place to rest.

"Thank you very much Anna, But i need to be in Sordidus tomorrow morning".

"It's getting late, i will depart in 15 minutes".

Samson raise from his chair.

He just ate a meal but is stomage felt empty.

When he left the house he didn't know what to feel.

There was no emotion at all, only confusion.....

Grego's medical journal, written by Vlad

NOTE: Old Roleplay around Gregos madness posted to RPG list on March the 5th 2006, Vlad found Grego at the gates of Domus after a year beeing lost.

Gregos medical log book.

I decided to take track of Gregos condition from the day i found him, just out side the walls of Domus.

Hopefully we will se some progress...

Day 1

Grego is still in schock, his body is counter reacting against the fever. His bed is coverd with sweat, The healers are worried. I am even more worried, will my little brother survive?

Day 2

Still no changes, The healers fear the worst.

Day 5

Grego is doing better, he is finaly sleeping. The past 3 days where very hard, its a miracle that he is still alive. He lost alot of liquid, I never saw a noble so skiny as Grego is now. The healers told me that i need to keep his lips moistured, to prevent dehydration.

Day 6

Grego is mumbling in his sleep. He is sleeping but not resting, i cannot understand what he is saying, it sounds like jiberish.

Day 7

Things are going better, Grego is becoming concious and he can finaly drink his own water.

Day 9

Gregos sleep is becoming more and more restless, he sleeps the entire day, at night, I heard him scream, I ranned to his room, finding him strugling with his cheets. He screamed for a name, Naira, I am trying to find out who she is.

Day 16

Grego is becoming fully concious but lost his identity... I cannot find any Grego left in this body... He doesnt remember me, nor his family. A few days ago he panicked, and ran out of his room into the palace halls. He screamed for help, he tought he was still captured in Ibladesh. I am trying to take good care of him, he needs alot of atention, i dont want to tie him on his bed...

Day 21

I havent come to the Councill meetings for a long time now... I didnt left Gregos room, he is adepting to the enviorment, god I am so tired...

Day 23

I slept for 2 days.... I feel like this is draining all of my energy, I havnt spoke with my friends for weeks. They probly dont know where I am, this section of the palace is never visited by the Queen nor the Duke. I want to hide, I am ashamed of myself...

Day 38

I dont know Why I am still keeping track of this journal, there is nothing to write, Just emptyness. Grego is mentaly a wreck, and it doesnt seem to change. I didnt want any healers around anymore, he is perfectly healthy, but still not able to rest...

Day 40

I found out who Naira is, I am going to send her a letter in teh morning, hopefully she will be able to help me further with this...

Day 49

I got atacked by an Assasin a week ago, Strangly, i enjoyed it... Before i spoted her i smelled this beutyfull odoir, it smelled like spring, it gave me a warm happy feeling, even when she pierced the dagger into my chest... I woke up in my room 4 days after the atack, with healers around me, they where woried, almost afraid of me behaviour. I stood up, walked to Gregos room and reacted like nothing happend.

Day 56

I am starting to feel guilty for my abcense in the councill, i wrote them a letter this morning. I will do my best to carry on my duty from now, maybe it will keep me away from these thoughts... I still smell the parfum of Katia... It felt like a relieve, the dagger felt warm, not cold, as it used to feel before. Is this the feeling that drives people in life? Is this what Cartor was talking about? Love?

Day 57

I read my journal again... Taking care of Grego drives me insane... I cannot take it anymore, Naira, please, anwser my letter, I need your help!

Day 59

I have decided to visit my friends in the Council, I allready got a warm welcome, especialy from Cartor. Maybe Gwynyth has some good advise for me.

Midnight - Gregos last moments with his brother

NOTE: posted on the RPG list on March the 12th 2006,An old rolplay in Vlads time as Royal treasurer, This after he cared for Grego for 56 days long, he ran away from the palace, he got toaly insane from the madness he expirienced in his prison cell in Ibladesh.

It was almost one hour before midnight.

No one was out at this time, only a few Troop leaders, who where preparing there army for Battle.

And off course, the people who hide them selves for the Sun.

Thugs, revolutionaries, and other low life criminal beings, who primarily met in alley's

But still there was a noble who walked across these alleys.

Cloaked, and with a purple ring on his finger.


Vlad was searching for Grego since he arived in Domus.

The letters received, concerned him, confused him, and frustrated him.

Combined they made him tired, More tired then he ever felt.

His eyes where almost as black as the night, while his skin, almost became a light source, so white, white, like a Ghost...

It began to rain.

Water drops fell on Gregos head.

As he Watched to the sky, he whispered, the words that Echoed threw the Alley.

"Where are you... Naira..."

The face of the once called Little Grego, Looked like an old Soldiers one, rimpled, skiny, forged by his past battles.

He was alone, or at least, that was what he thought.

Vlad, who finaly found what he was looking for, observed his brother from the back of the Alley, with the moon at his back.

As the moon breached threw one of the clouds, Vlad carefully started to aproach Grego...

Grego, Who stopped whispering, started Crying.

The small sounds of Sadnesswhere masked by the overwhelming sound of the massive rain fall.

Vlad, Who Couldn't see his brother any more from the increased rainfall, Started to shout for his name.


"Its me!"


The powerful voice of the silhouette, who moved from the shadows, scared the broken man.

"Your an imposter!"

"I am not Grego!?!"

"Your trying to lock me up again you filthy LIER!"

Grego did not get the chance to continue his fury, Vlad already grabbed him by the arm, firmly, but carefull.

"Please listen to me Grego, Your in danger, you broke the Law, and we know it".

"I will have to take you with me, I will bring you Naira if you promis me to come with me".

Vlad Desperately tried to look at his brothers Gesture, But Grego already drew his sword.





The poor men went insane, Vlad could Quickly see his eyes now, nothing.

There was no emotion, even in this state of fury, Vlad couldn't see any form of emotion on his face.

There was no time for thinking, Vlad knew what Grego was capable of, Child memory's where flashing by, he needed to make a decision, NOW.

He carefully placed two steps backwards, drew his sword and began to speak.

"I will duel you, but only under one condition".

His eyes lite up.

"If you lose, You SHALL come, with ME, to where ever I say WE go!"


Grego, who didnt knew how to react, in a strange place, towards a strange man, who claimed to be his brother.

Vlad spoted a small sign of Hesitation in the Eyes of the wild man, who carefully switched balance from his right to his left foot, sword drown.



Grego took a deep breath, screamed and ran towards his opponent.

Then, The world turned black.

The sound of the midnight bells, smoothly echoed against the alley walls...


A Kings story, The battle of Domus

NOTE: New roleplay, posted on RPG list August 2006. this happend before, during and after the last battle of domus (The Third one), this more then a week ago.

The sound of Iron against stone echoed threw the Palace halls. Vlad was just back from a Emergency Council meeting and he was now heading to his room. Vlad always were his complete harness and Royal insignia before and after the battle, it was some kind of Physiological preparation for him.

"M'lord!" Sir Fredrich di Ivanov ran upon Vlad.

"There's a message for you Sire" He offered his King the message, looked him one more time in the eye, almost worried, and left after Vlads Gesture to assemble his unit.

The messages contained Scout reports of what seemed to be movement Towards Domus.

"This is it... Its me or them... Victory or Defeat... Life... Or Death..." And So the King closed his helmet and Covered his Grim, restless face from reality once again, and sets off to assemble his army, for the greatest battle of the Kingdom of Caligus EVER...

A few hours later:

The entire City of Domus seemed like a big hornets nest. Everyone was running around, preparing for the big Assault.

Fredrich Di Ivanov, Caligus Royal Scribe, personal Scribe of King Vlad, was standing standing just north of the Palace, overlooking the walls around Domus.

In the distance he could see many noblemen assembling there units, and looking into the distance like there trying to spot a fly, buzzing around 2 miles away. When suddenly, he saw SoP sounding his horn waving to a defence turret 250 feet further down the wall.

It was where Vlad and Zelos where assembled. The defence turret was perfect to overlook the battlefield and safe enough to raise flags that symbolize the formations used.

When Zelos Sounded his horn, the Army started to get into there positions, and only minutes later they hear the horns and voices of the Federation army.

The battle has begun...

6 hours later:

"Bring me my Scout reports! i need a total coverage of our current situation" The battle of Domus was just over and Fredrich walked into Vlad as he was picking up some new shields for his men. Vlad's Scribe didnt say anything, in-fact he was just staring at him, like he wasn't there.

After a few Seconds Vlad got irritated. "What...! Is Wrong with you?!" "Si..Si.. Sire..."

"Come on, I don't have the time of the world! this is important OK?"

Fredrich, totally stunned, tried to find the words he needed. "Sir, There seems to be an Arrow Stuck in your right leg Sire... I would advise to let your healer take a look at it Sir."

"Arrow? ah please cut the nonsense Di Ivanov... We all know you..." Vlad quickly looked to his right leg, and indeed a Yssrian arrow was stuck in the flesh of the warrior King.

Stunned and Amazed, Vlad stumbled to the nearest Rock and started to pull at the arrow, just when Arch Priest Cartor passed by, looking strangely at his King struggling with this arrow.

"Whats Wrong?"

"I don't know Sir, But he is acting really strange lately. He wanted me to get his messages and all, while he was standing on his legs, Oblivious of his serious Wounds..."

Cartors face made a questionable impression. "He..? He didn't FEEL That?"

"No Sir..."

"HEY! you two, Stop chatting around, and help me will ya! I need those Scout reports in TEN MINUTES. If you are not back in 10 minutes, I will put you both on the front line of the next battle to Come! Now Move!!"

Amazed, and to stunned to say anything, they both walked off in search of the recent Scout reports, leaving a struggling King alone...

A Love Story, Veni and Vlad

NOTE: New rolplay written August 2006, the day before yssria attacked in Supra, stoping the TO there. This RP is Writen by the player of Veni and myself.

Veni makes her way across the grassy plains towards Vlad's tent for their appointment. They had not been able to talk properly ever since the rebellion and wonders if he has changed since taking the ruler ship. More so she wonders if things between them will have changed. The sun sinks lower and twilight settles over Supra. Gently stroking the tall grass as she passes she notices there is still some dirt under her nails from helping her men dig in, she hopes Vlad does not notice.

When she passes the first tents, she opens Vlads letter again.

Letter from Vlad Message sent to: Veni

Dear Lady Veni,

For some time now, I wanted to have a evening diner with you. There Is much I need to tell you, Please meet me tonight at my tent in the fields of Supra. I've brought lots of Fine Scian wine with me, and the cooks are preparing a nice lambs steak.

Tell me if your available.

Yours Truly,

Vlad King of Caligus

A small smile appeared on her face, his writing style sure seemed the same. But every-time she saw him, she got a strange feeling of insecurity. He was always a hard worker, but now he seems only to be 'The King', Instead of just 'Vlad'... Even for a Women like Veni, it was hard to deal with men like these, allthough, she never let anyone notice.

Sunken away in her thoughts about Vlad, she almost bumped into his very own Scribe.

Fredrich bowed. "M'lady Veni, your host is ready to receive you, his tent is located on the far east of the encampment"

"ow, uuh, Thank You Sir" And Fredrich was gone before Veni could even recognize him.

"Mhh, must be a busy man..." She mumbled.

Some minutes later she arrives at the Royal tents. The two guards waiting outside of the tent stepped aside and Saluted her. Veni nods back as she enters the room. There she saw Vlad behind a desk on the upper left side of the room, with Duke Kamekaze peeking over his shoulder pointing out some ideas about the the coming battle. The two men didn't notice her entering the room so she takes her time to investigate it. She was surprised to see the lack of wealth and Status in this room, it looked almost similar to hers, it was only bigger and contained little more staff in it. In the middle was a big table, served with lots of fruit and lots and lots of wine...

After a few minutes looking around, she gets enough of it, its almost a crime for not noticing a Lady like Her!

"Excuse me?" The soft sweat Voice with the typical angry and dark undertone characterized Veni her self. The men fell for it, and obeyed it like a puppy obeys his master. And again this time, her voice cut right threw the room, making the King almost fall of his chair and his Duke grab for his dagger.

"Veni!" Kamekaze shouts.

Vlad needed to take a few seconds to collect his air.

"I am Very Very sorry M'dear, this work..." He Takes a deep breath.

"I am almost fully suck into it. these days I am less alert when I am sitting at my desk then when I am sleeping in my bed... Please sit down, The lamb should be ready any minute"

Lady Veni Bows courtly to her King which after she sits down at the right end of the table. She can hear the Duke complaining about Vlads guards.

"You could at least tell your guards to say something when there's someone coming down your tent, who knows who this could be!"

"Tell them what ever you like, as long as they're not following me every where I go I am fine, now leave this Tent, I have almost forgotten my appointment with Veni."

Duke Kamekaze bows as he went off, giving a wink to the lady just before he leaves the room.

Veni shivers in disgust.

"Pff... Womanizer... Your Duke has allot to learn Sire."

Vlads walks to the long end of the table and sits down next to Veni. "Ah Don't tell me about it, hes always wasting his time in the bars looking for 'chicks', i still don't get this ugly metaphor, but it could be me..."

Veni Smiled. Vlad took the first bottle of wine, closest to his grasp.


"Of Course My King, it would be an insult to the hard workers of Scio if I didn't"

Vlad laughed softly as he filled her Glass. As soon as he started at his own Glass, he started to look serious again.

"Veni, I've thought a while about this, but let's just be honest to each other..."

Veni's expression was more confused then exited. "What do you mean?"

Vlad waves angerly at his cook who was peeking around the corner, interested in what buisness this beautiful lady had with a Hard working men like The King.

"Look, there is something i need to talk to you about... Its Personal..."

Vlad looked a bit difficult, he took a breath and continued.

"You know we had some flirts now and than, and you know i am a bit shy sometimes but..."

Veni smiled gently, her cheeks coloured red while she was looking into the brown/green eyes of her Ruler.

Vlad looked up to Veni again.

"I adore you, Lady Veni, Your the first women to steal my heart, ever since i saw you..."

Vlad carefully took her hands and held them in his.

"It hurts so much to think of you every minute in my life. There is no way i can rule this country without the most valuable organ in a Kings body, his heart."

Vlad looked down at the table again, to the lonely grape, that was lying all alone on his plate.

He Chuckled took a deep breath and continued while Veni sat stunned in her chair, lost in the eyes of this man.

"Veni, please, can I have it back?

Veni was amazed by Vlads lovely words, she felt being carried away by these eyes, like drifting away into a never ending ocean.

A cold flame, deep inside of there hearts lite, and totally carried away by her feelings, She kissed him, and he kissed her, under the gloaming light of the dinner candles...

Some days passed by, and even after the defeat in Supra, They couldn't resit to look down and blush when they saw each other.

Vlad never worried a second, he was sure it would be noticed, but his mind was fully under control by his love for this lady. He didn't answer a question nor looked at you whilst speaking, his mind and heart where still in that tent on that very night, with Veni...