Ostrander Family

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Ostrander Crest.jpg

The Ostrander Family

House Ostrander

  • The Ostrander family is originally from Wayburg, an unresolved claim of Abington.
  • The Ostranders are a close family, even though two of the sons have moved away, and one has been lost forever.

Family News & Events

Detailed History of this family:

2006-07-17 Caspar Began his career in Abington.

2006-07-17 Diederik Began his career in Barony of Makar.

2006-07-18 Godfried Began his career in Wetham.

2006-07-23 Diederik Retired at age 17 (He made great investments to be able to retire so young)

2006-07-23 Jordaan Began his career in RedSpan.

Active Family Members


  *The first son to strike it out on his own. Currently is involved in the defense of Abington.


  *The third son to move out. He left Atamara to prove himself in the colonies. Finding himself unhappy in the colonies do to the lack 
   of action, he moved to the South-East, to Sandalak. Currently, he is a hero defending his realm from three others.


  *The twin brother of Godfried. He quickly left his family's home in Wayburg before the Minas Ithil Colony was created.        
   He was saved by Da Great Goat, who came to him in a dream right before Wayburg had fallen. He was sent to serve
   RedSpan until the day of his death.