Uceek Family/Evangeline/Karlson

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Roleplay from Evangeline

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In Meuse...

Evangeline and her men forage for leftovers, beside her she notices Sir Karlson doing the same. Remembering the open letter from the Queen yesterday she takes a closer look at him.

She admires his strong, broad shoulders. She appreciates what she sees as her gaze moves further down. Finally she stops to admire his knees. Slightly enlarged, kind of nobbly, she puzzles over the Queens fascination with them.

Roleplay from Karlson

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Amid the carnage of the battle field in Meuse..........

Sir Karlson and a detail of his men were busy searching the battlefield for serviceable armour and weapsons. They were having some success and moved up a small rise to look for more. At the crest of the hill Karlson spied the lovely Lady Evangeline doing the same thing with some of her men. From conversations with his cousin Magnus, Karlson knew who she was and what she looked like. He had been forced to listen to Mags VERY detailed discriptions over and over and over again. Gazing at her now with the light behind her Karlson had to agree with his cousins apprectiation of the way her skin 'glistened' in the light.

Hailing her as he bent down to retrive a breast plate, Karlson stood and approached the Lady and asked, "M'lady, how fairs you forage?"

"Very well thank you! Ser Karlson isn't it? I am aquinted with your cousin Magnus." Evangeline replies.

"Isnt EVERYONE it seems!" Karlson said with a laugh and then asked her, "I saw a rather nice looking Inn back yonder, the 'Garroted Grouse' I believe its called. Would you favor me with your company if I were to purchase the first round?"

Letter from Thorad

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Don't drop the soap Evangeline..don't drop the soap...

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Deep in thought, appreciating Karlson knees, Evangeline started as he began towards her, hailing her. Caught off guard, she blushed as she introduced herself to him.

"I saw a rather nice looking Inn back yonder, the 'Garroted Grouse' I believe its called. Would you favor me with your company if I were to purchase the first round?"

The family resemblance was similiar, but Karlson's manner and behaviour was so different to Magnus' she wasn't certain how to handle the situation. He was well spoken, confident and had a relaxed easy going nature. However there was that same sparkle of mischief in his eyes that was often seen in Magnus'.

Swallowing away her uncertainity she replied,

"M'Lord, it would be an honour to accompany you. Perhaps we should invite the Silent Rhino and the other knights who have fought here with us in Meuse to join us, while our men hunt the fleeing enemy"

Roleplay from Karlson

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Looking about the battlefield Karlson didn't see any of the other troop leaders Lady Evangeline had just mentioned. Obviously she was use to dealing with his cousin Magnus. Karlson endevoured to belay any apprehension she might have as to his intentions.

"M'Lady I would be glad for the company of our boon companions, but it appears as if they are all far afield for the nonce. I would assure you that my intentions are most honorable due in part to fact that you are a married woman and in another the skill at which you handle the blade at your hip. Magnus has related his first hand experience with your skills to me several times!" Karlson said with a laugh and a smile then continued, "My scribe, Stori, shall accompany us so as to easy your mind and he is also a great spinner of stories!" Walking forward to Evangelines' horse he held her stirup for her and said, "Shall we go M'lady?"