Vashmere Family/Dafayo

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Dafayo Vashmere

Dafayo Vashmere is addicted to money and all forms of luxury. His desires for coin and bonds is unmatched by anything other then his cowardice. He is a fat little man with hands as delicate as any female child born of Nobility. He made is living as the Vashmere’s banker and accountant to overlook Elfabah’s pen work when dealing with the family’s financial affairs. Alongside his skill for greed, Dafayo also is a very talented artist and seeks fame as a painter to the world’s royalty and richest Nobility.

Below is a collection of Dafayo’s works of art that have been finished within Atamara. The location and the owner of each work is also mentioned. The objects exist as real tangible items and only exist where they are noted. Any other places holding a Dafayo, not mentioned here is a counterfeit or a mockery. Dafayo's Gallery is what is on display to the world at any given time. There are many works he has no unvieled yet, and he waits to do so after creating a market for art in Atamara.

Dafayo's Gallery

King Andrew's Crest


This fine tapestry was hand painted and adorned with real gold and silver The embroidery and detail are observed by the keen eye. The precious metals are noted by the material eye. This painting marks Dafayo’s first work within Atamara, and the beginning of his career.

Owner: King Andrew Mckay

Location: Eston

Cost: A gift.

Crests gifted and sold in Atamara.

Donated works

As a wealthy artist, Dafayo gives much free art to the Kingdom of Eston. All work noted here was given in good faith and free will to the wonderful Kingdom of Eston or other noted benifactors. Dafayo is a large supporter of Eston culture and has offically announced all churches, guilds and places of buisness shall obtain free art to promote Eston's welfair and grace.

Freely Donated art.

Dafayo's Vault

Dafayo's best work is kept safe within his vault in his Eston home. All work is locked away and safe within his private collection. Most art here is not for sale or almost priceless. Almost.

Dafayo's Vault.