Sterksain Family/Guenevere

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A Clouded Past

Not much is known on Guenevere's past as she was born and raised into a noble family with very limited resources, finances included. Guenevere didn't have a very exciting childhood, she attended school for a few years, but the year Guen turned 9, her mother died, leaving her with her father, and that spelt trouble in all directions.

She didn't like her father very much. He was always drunk and often hurt her mother, usually by hitting her. Sometimes, when he got mad, she could remember hiding in the closet, not being able to do anything to help, only able to listen to the yelling of her father, and the painful screams of her mother, as she got thrown around and beat up.

About a week after her death, Guen's father went to the tavern, his usual action of the day. Guen decided she was going to watch what he did at the tavern. Her father got to the tavern, and all she could do was wait. She watched him take down ale, after ale. More than he usually said he drank. After about three hours, and a lot of ale, he started to drunkily walk away. The bartender took him out the back to keep him from hurting the public. She went around back, and watched in horror, as the bartender took a knife and slit her father's throat. Even though she hated her father, she never wanted him to die. She wanted everything in her body to just go after the barkeeper, but just a shred of her held her back. Instead, she decided to run back home, and pack some things, because she was already thinking of getting to live with her cousin, Aethelmaer, who she loved very dearly.

Living With Aethelmaer

The day Guenevere finally reached the house where Aethelmaer lived was the day her life turned around. She knocked on the door, and there opening the door, was her dearest Aethelmaer, she was so happy to see him, that she knocked him down when she hugged him. He was so surprised to see her, and thought that something must have serious gone wrong if she was here, and alone at that. She was immediately welcomed into the family and was raised as if she was a sister to the brothers. She always stayed close to Aethelmaer, and Aethelmaer always protected her. He swore to protect her for as long as he could. Guen and Aethelmaer were so close that, Grim often was left out of training with him, and instead of training helped set everything up, and then trained alone when they were done. Aethelmaer had tought her well to hunt and to use a bow. She didn't mind killing the wildlife of the forest, unlike most of the other girls she knew. But she wasn't normal. She showed an affinity for the bow, much like Aethelmaer did when his father taught him to use it. He was surprised at how fast she learned, and in enough time she even surpassed him in skill. Aethelmaer wanted also to teach her the ways of the sword, but she would have nothing of the sort. She didn't want to have to resort to using a sword to kill others.

A few years passed.

One day, Aethelmaer had got together some supplies, strung a few bows, and filled two quivers full of arrows, and told Guen that they would be going for a small camping trip. He wanted to spend some quality time together with her before he left the household to become a noble for the mighty realm of Tara. He wanted to test her to make sure she was ready in case she was ever called upon to join the ranks of nobles. They travelled through the woods for about two hours, when Aethelmaer decided they would make camp. Once it was finished, Aethelmaer was nowhere to be found. Guen thought it would be wise to get some food, so she decided to start hunting without him. She took a bow and a few arrows, and in about twenty minutes, she already had two deer and a rabbit. Coming back to the camp, Aethelmaer still wasn't back yet. She started to get worried, and being the curious one, and fearless (rubbed off from being around Aethelmaer all the time), she decided to look around for him. Upon a quick search, she found a cave. Entering the cave, it was dark, and gloomy with water dripping everywhere. She hated caves, but as much as she hated it, she had to search for Aethelmaer. Upon a deeper search, she heard wolves growling and howling nearby, along with some torchlight coming from a hole nearby. She peered in, and found Aethelmaer chained to the wall with a few wolves ready to take him down. Thinking quickly she took out her bow, and put an arrow into each of the wolves, then helped him out of his prison. Reunited, they hurried out of the cave. Back to the campsight it was getting dark. Aethelmaer was extremely surprised at how fast it took her to complete the objective, without even knowing what it was! He was proud of her, and he couldn't wait until she would be able to serve with him. She was turning out to be quite the lady.


The night Aethelmaer left, a few days later, broke Guen's heart. She didn't want him to go, but she knew she had to let him go. She promised that when she was old enough to come and serve with him under whatever banner he served. With a great big hug, and a few farewells, Aethelmaer had pulled out of his pocket a golden ring. It was just a plain gold ring, but on the inside of the band was inscribed: "Never Forget! - Aeth"

Guen gave him one last hug, and he was on his way. Hoping that one day she might see him again.


For the next five years, she stuck around with Aethelmaer's parents. She watched Grim also leave about a week after Aethelmaer left, but she didn't really care. All she could think of was her dearest Aethelmaer. Anyways, the next five years went by slow and fast for her at the same time. Hoping Aethelmaer was safe, and training were her main things to do. One day, when she was about sixteen she recieved a letter from Aethelmaer telling her of his recent quest. The quest for Marvalt, she could only shudder at some of the things that had happened. When she came to the conclusion of the letter, she read the final sentence, and immediately plunged into a vision. Aethelmaer had declared himself a hero, and would fight along side his men risking his life to fight for whatever cause he found himself fighting for. This vision she had, started off pleasant, watching him telling his stories, and having fun with friends, but quickly it turned horrible as she saw him under a different banner than Tara's dying on the field of battle. Quickly she was brought to tears as she quickly forced the ideas out of her head. She could only hope that Aehelmaer would keep sending her letters.

About another year later, she recieved another letter describing his quest against Herutenshi. More sights that she wished she didn't know about. It described his friend Kurohyou to her, what a brother he had become during his time here in Tara. He also told her about Scar, his falcon, that he had found on that journey. How she wished she could meet them both, and to thank them for protecting Aethelmaer for these past few years.

Another letter came a few months later. This one described all the fun times he was having in ASI, at a sword and jousting tournament happening in Ser'quea. It told her of the good times he had with Kurohyou, the unfortunate events that ensued, and also about this girl he met, Sh'ki. He had told her that he became very fond of her in that short time, and told her that he was thinking of leaving Tara because of the bad times, to join ASI. He had heard that ASI was a place that suited him better, not only because of better times, but because the other nobles there seemed more loyal to their realm. This brought back the memory of her vision. It was under the ASI banner that he would be killed. She feared for his life, and wanted so much to go and see him, or somehow tell him to be extra careful, but there was no way.

Then that one fateful day, just days before her nineteenth birthday, the day she would become old enough to join a realm, to become a loyal noble to fight for a just cause, the day she would be able to reunite with Aethelmaer and to protect him so that he wouldn't die. She was ever so happy, but that one fateful day, a messanger had arrived at the doorstep. It was crested with the banner of ASI. Already she knew what it meant, but she didn't want to believe it. She brought the scroll inside, and broke the seal, with quivering fingers she forced herself to open it. Already in tears, falling down her face and onto the scroll she read the dreadful words. Words that broke her in two, tore her heart into pieces, and crushed her soul. Aethelmaer has been killed in battle. All her hopes of seeing him again were crushed. She sat there on the ground, weeping. It was here she vowed that she wouldn't rest until his death was avenged. She swore on her life that she would fight for ASI, and to uphold her brother's will and spirit.

About Guenevere

Guenevere is about 5'7", with shoulder length, straight light brown/blonde mixed hair, that she keeps tied up in a pony tail with a small piece of red ribbon. She is a beautiful, well mannered girl, that always gets attached to things she likes. She is always calm and collected, and often tries to keep a peaceful nature about her. Always the peacemaker, she often stopped quarrels between Aethelmaer and Trystrem who fought often. Always knows how to have a good time, and likes others that are willing to have a good time with her. Now that Aethelmaer is gone she has taken herself to start praying to him, and now that she does, she has felt stronger, and more spirited then ever before. Guen doesn't dress to elegantly if at all, sometimes just wearing a loose small sleeved shirt under her leather armor, and some loose pants. She wears nothing of jewelry except for the ring that Aethelmaer had given her, and now she wields the bow that Aethelmaer carried, Blitz, as another keepsake of him.

The Spectacular Journey

The Journey