Vallejo Family/Maelg/BloodEagleScores/Old

From BattleMaster Wiki

This page is dedicated to the competition in Perdan on who can make the most Blood Eagles. So far Maelg Magnus and Karlson are competing in Blood Eagles, but Lady Evangeline and Sir Falcion are counting their kills, but who knows who else will join in? Will you? Remember 50 hits = a kill.

The legend grows. There are a couple of Blood Eagle contests now on in the Colonies, run by one of Gewis relatives. It can be found here! and here!

Rank Name Blood Eagles/Kills
1 martinp 282C
2 Aram 265
3 Carlo 240
4 Magnus 192
5 Karlson 174
6 Maelg 155
7 Falcion 150
8 Krioni 131
9 Evangeline 129
10 Thorad 119
11 Lily 85
12 Lone Wolf 83C
13 Cercyon 52
14 Jadine 36
15 Augustus 33
16 Sangue 32
17 Gewi Gigane Tawodi 20C
18 Remorse 19
19 Aravan 12
  • Magnus opens the scoring with 3 against the monsters in Perdan Mines
  • Maelg comes back with a massive 12 from the battle in Bescanon, while Magnus sits in his bed unconcious after falling to a blow from Evangeline, Evangeline gets herself 24.
  • Maelg only manages a paltry 3 against the scum in Bescanon, Magnus manages a massive 13, Karlson gets 9 before being captured, Falcion and his Sworddancers slice up 10 and Evangeline and her Angels of Justice get themselves an impressive 16!
  • Maelg picks up another 3 with the cleansing of Brive of the monsters.
  • Maelg kills 12 of the pointy-eared bastards
  • Evangeline manages a measley 5
  • Falcion goes down swinging and collects 10
  • Magnus put 6 down with arrows
  • Karlson managed a whopping 18.
  • Battle at Bescanon. Although Maelg was injured in the second turn, his unit continued the carnage claiming 16 more Blood Eagles. Falcion is also wounded, but scored 2 (with only 6 men in his unit). Karlson, Evangeline and Magnus score 21, 12 and 9 respectively.
  • Battle at Brive. Maelg had no unit left after suffering from a blood fever from his wound in Bescanon, which caused him to charge headlong into the monsters instead of holding behind the walls. Evangeline was stuck in the second rank, so didn't get to hit anything, the Shaft slingers managed to shoot 5 and Karlson seems to have the bloodlust within him as he managed another astounding 14.
  • Magnus goes monster hunting and picks off 2.

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I cannot keep track to give a commentary for every battle any more, I'll just add to the table from now on