The Church of Qyrvagg/Epistle to Enweil

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Greetings, troop leaders of Enweil.

I am Amekal Vellos, Third Prophet of Qyrvagg. I have heard news that Qyrvaggism has finally come to you, and I rejoice! You may finally see the truth of the Church of Qyrvagg!

Unfortunately, it seems that the same heresy as always has popped up. We have named it the Warmonger Heresy. It is the false belief that Qyrvaggism necessarily is a religion of blatant bloodshed and warmongering. This is false. We seek the betterment of humanity, through conflict. Conflict need not only mean war and bloodshed.

Now, we do take joy in battle, we rejoice in combat, for it is a time, a great testing, of our devotion to Qyrvagg: will we in glorious battle die for him. In war, as in all conflict, the Virtues are tested. The Virtues which I speak of are loyalty, courage, honor, strength, obedience, and fellowship.

Yes its true, Qyrvagg is the God of War and Battle. But more importantly, Qyrvagg is the God who blesses his followers, the God who is our friend, he is the Supreme God. He is the true victor of Hakan-del-Zir, the battle of souls.

So I beseech you, nobles of Enweil, do not fall into the trap of believing that Qyrvaggism is merely a religion of warmongering. That is false, it is a heresy we have many times fought against.

Look to our doctrines. Yes, on face value, it seems we are warmongers. But Qyrvaggism is a religion of more than face value. There is depth, if you choose to see it. Look beneath the surface, look at our actions. And know then the truth, that the Church offers what no other religion, no other God, can offer: true discovery of the self, true benefit to humanity, true guidance from the heavens, true assistance of the deities. In short, we offer not bloodshed and warfare, we offer truth, and whatever comes with it.