Ar Pharazon Family/Valarya

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Of all of the brothers in the family, Valarya was the only one who hated martial pursuits. He grew up immersed in books on Alchemy and Khemistry, playing chess, and engaging in intellectual discourse. As a result, when his brothers left home, he did not follow, staying in Todtpiz and studying.

Valarya had something of a religious experiance in the forests of Todtpiz, he found a place amongst the Lunaria Order and was quickly called by his God to serve the Grand Lodge Of Lunaria in it's war for independance from Soliferum.

He rose through the ranks quickly, reaching the highest pinnacle of anyone in his family. He was appointed as the Haruspex Maximus of the Grand Lodge.

After a time of distingushed service, he was called by his faith to begin a long conflict with Nobdy, who had been possessed by demonic forces. This drawn out and terrible battle for public support ended with Nobdy leaving the realm and Valarya sent almost insane by Nobdy's machinations. Valarya's mental breakdown led to him resigning as Judge and departing the land of his birth in turmoil.