Kreldon Family/Valos

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(OOC: I'm new to the game, but i wanted to chronicle Valos' exploits in the game so that i'd remember where he's been as time goes on. Otherwise, just moving around and seeing battle reports might get rather tiresome. If for some reason anyone other than myself actually reads this, i hope you enjoy it! If you don't, well i don't care really hehe :) )

Valos' Diary:

August 14th - Before the sun had even risen there was a duel of some importance in the clearing in front of the encampment. The importance of the duel was lost on me, but it was apparently one of great history and import to all involved. Lord Gabriel slew the man, named Shilock, without much trouble. I am told he was a traitor to the realm some time ago, but i must have been too young to keep up with such things when it occured.

The process of policing Wayburg and bringing it officially under out control has begun. I leave the intricacies of local government to those that care about such things. Myself, i'm just trying to do my part when asked and keep my people out of trouble while doing it. One of the good things about being a noble nobody has heard of is that nobody trusts you to do anything of importance.

As the sun was rising we did our drills. Laps around the encampment in our armor and practice 9 on 9s melees to keep us fresh. With nothing else to do but sit and eat, it's best to keep our mind from wondering. As we finish up, word runs throught he camp of a huge victory by our allies the Carelians over Cagilians. These days, any victory for an ally may as well be a victory for ourselves.

It's mid-day now and there is word of peasants uprising and organising against us. With so many troops here they cannot possibly think they can run us out of here? It's surely the ravings of the insane!

August 13th - We are now 19. Lionel died during the night despite our best efforts. There wasn't much we could do for him really, as his wounds were quite severe. Luckily, the arrow that got Brian's leg missed the main artery and he seemed to be in good spirits today. Others were carrying his gear while he limped along, but they didn't seem to mind. Morale is high, and it's sinking in that we survived our first fight. Wayburg is nothing but a siege camp at the moment. Unable to scale the walls, but there's nothing the defenders of Wayburg can do to hurt us either. The people must be starving as it appears there has been constant looting. My own men were allowed to loot what they wished, but could find little of value and just found fed up peasants for their troubles. It appears we're to stay here until we're told otherwise. I suppose it'll give us time to further train together.

August 12th - Hundreds of forces have been spotted crossing the border into Swanfolk from Wayburg. We prepare defenses and are luckily reinforced by other nobles loyal to Abington. Entirely comprised of archers, we were forced to charge headlong into a downpour of arrows so that we could slaughter our enemies. It was a bloodbath once we could get our hands on them, and they scattered and ran in every direction. Two of our own were hurt in the engagement. Brian took an arrow in the leg and got trampled on by other soldiers charging in. Lionel took two in the gut and chest. Both are alive, but we haven't been able to pick up any healers yet in our rushed travels and the soldiers are forced to doing what they can for them as we continue towards Wayburg. (+4H +2P)

August 11th - We have been training in our off time between marches and we have see notable improvements. The mishmash of young aspiring soldiers from Washford may yet become a decent fighting force. We have managed to pick up a banner and given it to a young man named Laurence to fly during our battles. We hope it strengthens his resolve, as his sword arm is not what we'd wish.

August 10th - We are met by a messenger as we pass the borders of Werdham. We are to set forth towards Chasnoff as there has been alot of fighting in this area of late. Now armed with a purpose, our men set forth.

August 9th - I, and my 19 other men, set out from our family estate in Washford. This is the first time I've left the estate on my own before, and feel confident that I will be safe. As there have been no other orders given to me, we set out for Riverholm.

Documented members of the unit - Laurence - Banner holder, Brian - soldier, Lionel - soldier (died, Aug 12th in battle in Swanfolk)