Fowl Family/Artemis

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Revision as of 07:14, 14 August 2006 by Oblivion (talk | contribs)

Artemis is the baby boy of the original Fowl family. His father never really felt close to him, being preoccupied with the first two boys. As such, his mother is the closer parent for Artemis. Growing up ignored by his father and brothers, while being groomed constantly by his mother has made Artemis very emotional and moody. He feels that everything is his fault and that he is responsible for setting things right. In one word, Artemis is a romantic.

Not long after his 17th birthday, Artemis met his friend Jared and asked him where to find the most loyal recruits in Osaliel. Jared then led Artemis to an underground rebellion meeting which Jared and a group of loyal men had infiltrated. Upon a signal from Jared, the men slaughtered the rebels and all the survivors formed Artemis's new troop. The left for Atamara the next day. Only his mother came to see them off. Upon arrival in his new realm of the Ash Sea Islands, Artemis made quick friends and soon was helping out with daily affairs.

On one mission, Artemis and his troop were to defend the region of Jauchu from maruading monsters. In this mission, Jared was brutally killed and Artemis had a break down. After some time, Artemis recovered mentally and gave his men a gift, a green bandana with the names of the men lost at Jauchu embroidered on it by hand. Now his entire troop bears a green bandana over their left shoulder with the names of their fellows sewn on. All but Henson, the new second in command, that is. He wears his upon his chestplate displaying the monster emblazened upon it.

Artemis also seems to have a romantic side as well, though it be a shy one. He often makes small gestures of friendship towards the more prominent ladies of his realm. Though he has of yet to be taken seriously.

Lastly, Artemis was wounded in a competition to find the best sword in the Ajan army. When he recovered, he seemed a little more confident. Only time will tell if he is hardening himself.

Artemis lost most of the ~A~Ruffians on the operation to save Kybycell by ASI's army. Only three survived. The three were Henson, Traunt and Royen. The former becoming the Lt of the reformed ruffians and the latter two the sergeants. The Sgts each have a blade that is the pair of the other. Royen's is the left handed blade, named Ruthless, and Traunt's is the right handed blade, named Bittersweet. Artemis himself is obtaining a new weapons set now that he has accepted the mantle of Hero. He has purchased a pair of twin scimitars with black leather grips and scabbards. The left hand named Shepherd and the right hand named Guillotine. Shepherd has a blue sheen and Guillotine gives off a reddish glow.

Lastly, Artemis is involved in a growing relationship with Lady Elfabah, an outcast from Abington, who fled for her life from their evil ways. Over time, he is growing more and more fond of her.

Artemis received a grissly pendant from the Lady Elfabah. It is a small necklace made of her hair and fingernails wrapped around the heart of a small animal. He keeps it in a newly fashioned chest when not in battle. The chest has the Fowl Family crest upon its lid. The hinges are silver. On the sides of the box are chronicled the four main events of Artemis' life thus far. The failed rebellion in Osaliel, the monsters at Jauchu, the mule massacre, and the stand at Wayburg. Within the box, a beutiful rendering of Lady Elfabah resides.