The Elven Tribute/Issue 6

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Price: Free Circulation
Printed in Sirion City
Primary Editors: Logal Rogan and Doc Primusspace Issue No. 6 Early August 2006

===Elven Tribute=== News and Events from the great Elven Realm of Sirion on the East Continent Price: Free Circulation
Printed In Sirion City

All articles written in the Elven Tribune are NOT necessarily the views of the Sirion government. They are the editor's opinions anhd veiws. If you seek more information regarding certain policies, please contact the Prime Minister of Sirion for official answers.

Current Affairs

Allied Forces in Partora Crushed by Perdanites!!

The allied forces managed to heavily damage the capital of Perdan for a full tick, but were then driven away by overwhelming forces. The 'safest' city in Perdan was occupied officially for only one tick, but was it enough to convince the Perdanites to surrender? I do not know. Some voices in Sirion are arguing as to why the allied forces would take upon themselves the costly operation in the first place, but no official response has been given by the General. My theory is that the operation was done mostly for the sheer pyschology of the matter: There is no safe place in Perdan. - Doc

Sirion forces move to refit and rearm

The Sirionite forces in Perdan are currently moving out due to the major losses it has sustained. it apears thet the amount of troops that Perdan could bring to the battle feild was greatly underestimated, and although we in sirion managed to hold them off, it looks like we have reached a stalemate in this point of the war. Luckly nobals in the north of sirion have responded to our call for aid and will continue to fight for our good cause.