Kreed Family/Grit

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Grit Kreed

Grit woke up and looked around groggily. The grunts and him had had one hell of a night last night. He noticed the large blonde woman growing out of Sergeant Olaf's chest then recognised her from the bar. He also noticed with pride the three wenches on his bed. Pouring himself a nice pitcher of mead, he went back to sleep. The sound of his soldiers that had woken up to severe hangovers lulleing him to sleep. Life was good.

Grit is the youngest of the Kreed family. Hailing from Norland he enjoys copious amounts of beer, gold, and and women.Though he doesn't share the bond of fighting against Eston that most other Norlanders do he has made himself quite comfortable amongst the hospitality of his viking brothers.

Grits Grunts

Grit looked around the packed bar, Sergeant Olaf were standing behind him, his father having sent him to keep him from getting killed in this venture. Scanning the faces of the assortment of young vikings, drunks, and madmen.Putting his hands to his voice to act as a magnifier, he shouted in his rough gravely voice, "CHUTNEY IS TERRIBLE! NORLAND SUCKS! AND YETIs ARE A BUNCH OF PANSY ASSED FAIRIES!