Neill Family/His Lordship

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His Lordship (?)

Little is known of this viking. How he was connected to the O'Neil family is also not known. All that is known is that he emerged from the forest in bearskins and made his way to the road where a travelling messenger found him sleeping in the middle of the path. He had a great gash across his face and his blond beard (Very rare in the O'Neil line) was hard with dried blood and mud. The messenger managed to wake him and was suddenly ordered to take the wounded man to Makar. The following is the written account of the messenger:

He spoke to me in a broken, weak voice demanding passage to the city of Makar. I asked who he was but he would only point to the forest. I later decided that he may have been indicating a Clan of Vikings that resided in the wood. I was passing this way and though I was alone and vulnerable in this Godsforsaken land I did not wish to leave this heathen to die. I brought him immediately to the City where he demanded to be taken to the docks. I helped him there and was guided to a small vessel. It was clear by the look and mark of the sailors that they were slave traders, but, the man insisted he be taken aboard.

"Announce me." He gasped. I looked to him and looked to the slavers. Then I announced him the only way I knew how and without a name. "His Lordship desires passage on your vessel. Will you grant it too him?" They were too eager to do so and though I suggested another vessel he continued to insist on the slavers. After this I never saw him again.

The ship in question made it too port in what was then called The New World. Records indicated that no such man was ever aboard. He is believed to have been lost at sea.

(OOC: I had this character for only a short time. When I tried to emmigrate with him he was deleted because of some bug. Probably a good thing, his name was pretty terrible)