The Three

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The Three Lords of Hell

Lord of Hatred, Mephisto is a tall gaunt humaniod, constantly engulfed in dark colored flames. He was the first of the gods, and among the mightiest. He controls the strongest human emotion... Hate. The Volcano on the Northern end of Beluterra is said to be the spot where Mephisto broke free of his prison during the Sin Wars. He is a wielder of terrible magics, he can fuel the flames of hate in any mortal... He also wields a wicked axe... The first of which was lost to him after being driven back into hell during the Sin Wars. His symbol is a fanged mouth twisted in a sneer, and caught between the teeth is a human skull.

Baal, the youngest of those created by Chaos. Baal is a pale spiderlike being. He was created when Chaos learned of the betrayal of the other gods, his job was to obliterate all of Chao's unfaithful creations. Baal commands a terrible array of powers, he can call upon plagues, earth quakes... Some even attribute the creation of the Kalmaar Islands on the East Continent to Baal. They say his rage when his chosen warrior Nobdy was slain was so great it caused a volcano to erupt. He wields the cursed Staff Jer'eldøm. His symbol is a broken femur bone crossed wih a wicked staff superimposed on an eye.

Diablo, the Lord of Terror, was created when Chaos was slain. He arose from he ashes, and by his hand many angels and several gods fell... No mortal can stand before Diablo, so terrifying is his visage. No mortal mind can possibly comprehend what Diablo looks like, so great is his power. He can instill fear into the hearts of even the most hearty men. He wields a wicked one and a half handed sword (Bastard Sword) which is said to have been forged on a fragment of Chaos's anvil from the bones of the horrid Razor Demons from the deepest parts of the pits of Hell. His symbol is a fist clenched around a human heart.