Uceek Family/Evangeline/Maelg

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Evangeline and Maelg seemed happy enough at the start. I believe somewhere there is still a lot of love between them.

Letter from Evangeline

Hi Esteemed Council,

I have joined your realm. My husband fights here and I'm sick of staying home looking after the kids.

Hope I'm helpful, Looking forward to having some fun,

Evangeline (Knight of Zawr)

Letter from Maelg

It seems I cannot hide from my wife... Evangeline my dear...welcome.

Report from Maelg

I'm a click behind. So I'll miss all the action, and one of my scouts got so excited to finally see some friendly faces, he never came back. He's probably drunk with some of Evangelines men.

Letter from Evangeline

Commander Maelg,

If I see your scout I'll send him back for discipline. :)

Evangeline (Knight of Zawr)

Letter from Maelg


Keep him as a gift from me. I hear that although we have finally gotten back together, you are to leave me very soon. I will miss you, and fear for your enemies.

Yours in Arms,


Roleplay from Evangeline

Evageline looks down at her latest message from Maelg.

'No response thank you', she dismisses her scribe.

It had been nice being posted with her husband - but perhaps the closeness could have become stifling. After all, he had become a bit of a nag since becoming Battlegroup Commander.

'Farewell husband,' she sighed towards the sunrise.

'Although I never did get that scout,' she murmured as she stomped off to her tent to prepare for the assault on Al Arab.

When Magnus arrived in Perdan Maelg seemed to lose a bit of interest in Evangeline and was found to be spending more time with his new found shield brother.

Roleplay from Maelg

He continues [to Magnus],

'I wouldn't worry about her, she's always so serious when it comes to nobility. Me, I'm just a stable hand who married her to get a foot up into nobility. Now look at me, "Battlegroup Commander"!'

Letter from Evangeline

I'm just a stable hand who married her to get a foot up into nobility.

Urgh... nice one Maelg. Did they dispense divorces in this age?

Letter from Evangeline

You would think Maelg would have followed Evangeline to her chambers after being gone so long, instead of going drinking with a stranger...

Hmmm... one begins to wonder... ;)

Letter from Tamerran

For a reasonable fee, Kerwin will solve your "divorce" problem in a clean (most of the time) way...

Letter from Kerwyn

Me? w...what? Oh! Sure!

Letter from Evangeline

For a reasonable fee, Kerwin will solve your "divorce" problem in a clean (most of the time) way...

I was about to ask if there was someone available. Although for the sake of Perdan, I don't think we could afford to lose a battlegroup commander as well as the High Marshall at this stage. Perhaps I could ask again later. ;)

Evangeline (Imperial Knight)

Letter from Kerwyn

Um, can't really follow anymore... (help?)

Letter from Ganimede the ghost

It seems that Evangeline has a divorce needs and she was wandering what were the "divercing" protocols in the Middle Age and my brother suggested that you may supply the infiltrator's way to divorce everyone to everything, which would solve her divorcing problem I guess...

Letter from Kerwyn

Oh sure, who is it?

Maelg made some attempts to make it up to Evangeline, mainly when he was drunk.

Roleplay from Maelg

Maelg is sitting in the "Maimed Seagull" a dive of an inn if you have ever seen one, with his sworn shield-brother Magnus.

'Magnush my friend, I fink I shud go. I haven't sheen Evangelne for a long time. I wash full of crud out there in the courtyard.'

Maelg downs the rest of his mead.

'I love her. I alwaysh have.'

With that Maelg gets unsteadily to his feet, and stumbles towards the front door.

'....4 o'clock and aaaaalllls weeeelllll...' can be heard from the watch.

'No it bloody ishn't. Hey you over there! Wheresh Evageline staying? You don't know? What ushe are you to me?'

'Evangeline! Evangeline! Eva.....' could be heard from Maelg as he stumbles through the sleeping streets of Perdan.

Evangeline tried to bring some romance into the relationship, but was rejected once more by Maelg.

Roleplay from Evangeline

The door creaked open and Maelg slumped into the room. His hair was ruffled and his dark eyes seemed weary. His armour clattered to the floor as he dragged himself to a chair.

"Tough time in the senate?" Evangeline asks, moving towards her husband.

"Aww, it's just everything. So many enemies."

Evangeline wrapped her arms around his strong torso and looked into his tired eyes.

"My mother always said to me, when things got really tough, four simple words. This too will pass"

"I don't need philosophy Eva", he said, nuzzling into her thick, long hair.

"I need a drink. If you need me, I'll be at a new inn I found the other day, the 'Plucked Flamingo'. At least they have glasses and chairs."

ooc - I started this roleplay as a way to make amends with my estranged husband. I got Maelg to check it (not wanting to powerplay), and he added the last sentence. Typical!! There doesn't seem to be much chance of amends. Looks like this honey is stuck with a bee without much buzz. lol