Kraven Family

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The Kraven family

The Kraven family aren't very well known for their enthusiasm when it comes to realm democracy. Nor have they been known to voice their opinions on any such matters.

However when it comes to fighting, or the occasional skirmish, the Kravens tend to take all their lack of enthusiam and shove up the enemies preverbial *ass* as it where. It would seem that the best way to get a any such word out of a Kraven family member would be totally insult him or her, then expect to be stabbed in the face whislt hearing the words, "So what!" In the most calmist of tones.

Arguably their policy of, "leave it to the pompous politicians of the realm," does indeed cause an unstable amount of civil unrest about any realm in which a family member resides. For instance Aiden Kraven has been, on occasion, known to disregard orders, never speak in public, and genereally drunk and disorderly almost all the time. His older brother Alesna however, tends to lack the necessary urge to care about anything, and therefore keeps hims mouth shut for most of the time.

All in all the Kravens only purpose is to fight with a civil tongue.

Active Members of the Kraven Family Line

Aiden -

Currently Resides In Giblot, as a Knight of Koolaris.

Alesna -

Currently Resides In Giblot as a Knight for the Duke of the main city.

Family Members Currently Inactive / Dead or missing in action

Pheonix -

Started out his career within Carelia, but 3 months later retired due to seeking other things from life

Saosin -

The Only female family member (as of yet) to become a soldier. She began her career within Redspan but due to family greivances at her decision, she later retired and dissappeared. No one knows where but we may yet see her return one day.

Tobias -

Began his career in Oligarch but one day after a unjust ruling of lack of speech, *he was mute, but couldnt say anything to defend himself* was banished from the realm... however it states in the records that he had retired... but as no one has seen / heard / or spoken to him since... he is presumed dead.