Pinetree Family/Tung

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The middle child and the daring one as well. He has lived for the thrill of the battle and has become a Hero, fighting along side his men. Participating in the final battle of Avamar, he helped freed the city. He also participated in the siege of Oligarch, which was also victorious. He now currently leads the Sirion Scarlet Hunters, a monster hunting squad, which is being successful. His life time friend, Makaz, fights alongside him against the monsters. Tung hopes to be able to lead an army to battle, and to fight alongside them and lead them through numerous victorious battles.

Honour: 70

Prestige: 31


            Wins: 0
            Losses: 1    [Makaz]


1st [Sirion]
            Swordfighting =|======> 3rd Round
            Jousting ==>>>>>>>>>>>> 1st Round


Count of Ustimbar [6.25.06]