Vallejo Family/Maelg/BloodEagleScores/Old

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This page is dedicated to the competition in Perdan on who can make the most Blood Eagles. So far Maelg Magnus and Karlson are competing in Blood Eagles, but Lady Evangeline and Sir Falcion are counting their kills, but who knows who else will join in? Will you? Remember 50 hits = a kill

Name Blood Eagles/Kills
Evangeline 32
Magnus 16
Maelg 15
Falcion 10
Karlson 9
  • Magnus opens the scoring with 3 against the monsters in Perdan Mines
  • Maelg comes back with a massive 12 from the battle in Bescanon, while Magnus sits in his bed unconcious after falling to a blow from Evangeline, Evangeline gets herself 24.
  • Maelg only manages a paltry 3 against the scum in Bescanon, Magnus manages a massive 13, Karlson gets 9 before being captured, Flacion and his Sworddancers slice up 10 and Evangeline and her Angels of Justice get themselves an impressive 16!