Turik Family/Tarkus

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Icon-D.png Tarkus Turik is the third born son in the family. Older only than the youngest sibling and the only daughter of the family, Emilya. The youngest of the brothers has always been competitive and has felt the need to do everything just as well or better than his oldest brother, Razer. Only recently Tarkus managed to defeat Razer for the first time in a contest of drinking, Razer's specialty. The contest was close, decided by a single mug of ale, and subsequently left both men hospitalized for a couple of days.

Tarkus is an avid student of war and battle. Command and victory are what drives this young noble. Like most Turiks, Tarkus has always dreamed of riding at the head of a fearsome cavalry force and has recently realized this dream; he now commands a small cavalry unit for the Army of Redspan.

Age: 20

Class: Soldier

Honour: 23

Prestige: 9