Old Rancagua Press/1st June 2006/News Report

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June 1 - Possible Peace in Sight?

Let it be known that Old Rancagua is a not a realm which turns to war and destruction lightly, for we shall always attempt to find a peaceful solution before the blade is drawn. Earlier today, exiled King of the Kalmar Isles, Sir Prometheus crossed the borders of Stora and into the realm of Kalmar, widely known as New Avamar, for the first time since his expulsion several months ago.

The brutal rebellion of El Cid all those months ago is remembered as one of the darker events in the East Continent's history and is an event which has been denounced (although since capitalised upon) by the former Avamarian Government in Exile. In an act to reach a peaceful resolution, King Prometheus has agreed to meet with Avamarian Chancellor Lalakis in Stora to find a peaceful resolution to the situation at hand.

Hopefully, with Prometheus' reinstatement to his rightful place as the true ruler of Kalmar, the former Avamarians can finally make their transition to Kalmarians and reach peaceful relations with their neighbours to the east and south.

June 2 - Sirionites hail Handow

Yesterday, the Sirionites were forced to do something they had not done for many a year, and that was vote for someone else as the Prime Minister of Sirion. It is well known that the inestimable Doc has been the incumbent ruler (barring woundings and imprisonments etc.) of Sirion for longer than most in the East Continent can remember. However, with the destruction of Oligarch, Doc's work has been accomplished, and with his resignation from office, the incredibly successful former Minister of Defence for Sirion and Duke of Avamar, Lord Handow was voted into office with a staggering 42% of the vote.

However, Doc's legacy will continue as Sirion's war with the Southern Alliance will not cease until a peace, or a conquest of Perdan, Caligus and Ubent can be achieved. Handow has probably the largest shoes in history to step into with his new role, however with the guidance of his fellow Nobles and the headstrong mindset and honourable values which has made him so successful, the Press is sure that Handow will rule Sirion with vigor and usher in continued Sirionite prosperity.

June 2 - Tournament in Sirion tipped to be huge

The death of Oligarch has been the cause of much celebration and, with the resignation of their beloved leader Doc, the Sirionites decision to hold a tournament in his honour has become an instant success as friends and enemies alike flock to Sirion City for a tournament which is set to outstrip any other tourney that has been held on the East Continent in many years. Only too recently, Lycastus the Pontifex of the newly created realm of the Light of Fountain held a tournament within the confines of the city of Fontan. With 106 Nobles from around the continent vying for the honour, fame and glory of becoming the victor.

However from a recent count, the numbers already assembled in Sirion City, with a further 6 days to tourney day already match that of the tournament which Lycastus held. This early boom can provide us with a fair idea of how many Nobles will attend this tournament, and it is a number somewhere in the hundreds. All in all, this will truly be the send off of a Noble whose actions have shaken the very foundations of the East Continent, for this tournament will go down as one of the largest and most grandiose in the East Continent's history.

June 8 - Tournament in Sirion tipped to be huge

The tournament in Sirion was indeed huge, the largest and most spectacular of this war-torn East Continent has seen in many month. With nobles from all 12 realms of the continent it proved to be a truly international event as hundreds flocked to Sirion city for many reasons. Some wished to find a place where they could hunt Doc down, others came to lament the death of Oligarch, some simply there for the glory of winning such a prestigious event and then some to simply soak in the atmosphere. With a 1st place prize of 800 gold who blames anyone for trying! 197 nobles wined and dined, and bickered, but all in all it became an event which none will forget easily.

However, the wining and dining was only half the purpose of the event, after many days of socialising came the moment of truth where all would take a shot at the prize. After many a round, and much prestigious and honourable combat it was a Fontanese noble by the name of Pepe, a member of the Smallwood family and relation of Chancellor Nymatal of Plergoth, with Duke Alexander of Parm coming in second place. Congratulations to both! However the tournament was not over, for there was still the joust to come and the neighbouring forests of Limbar, Dolmbar and Flismar will never be the same! For many a tree fell in the effort to accomodate all with a few good lances. Eventually there could only be one winner and Castamir, Corsair of Umbar and Old Rancaguan, came out on top as the victor with the aptly named Lancelot of Fontan in second place. Congratulations to you both as well!

All in all, a fine tournament which far outstripped any which came previously for many months, I only hope that there is another tournament in the not too distant future!

June 13 - Poitierian Independance, a thorn in all our sides?

Since the days of the original Rancagua, Poitiers has been a region whose beliefs rest heavily toward self-governance. Even under the command of its most dedicated Rancaguan lords it was rumored that the people were voracious in their desires for independance requiring the Lord to spent many weeks tending to his people, and keeping them in line.

When Rancagua was destroyed by Old Rancagua, bringing and end to the Rancaguan Civil War, the region of Poitiers choose to follow its brother Troyes and swore its allegiance to Perdan, an act which has baffled many, for this has been the only time that the Poiterian local government has chosen realm over rogue. However, the distance between they and Partora was too great and thus began the seesaw of control, as both Old Rancagua and Oligarch struggled to take and then maintain control of the region.

Under Old Rancaguan control, the region was presented to the then, Queen Ragnell by her husband Fuinir as a wedding present, however it was taken by Oligarch shortly after. Eventually, after much contestation and blood, Oligarch was destroyed, and its dominance over the Poitierian population ended. Suddenly, the region was rogue once more and Old Rancagua returned to reclaim lost territory, only to loose it again to a monster attack a few weeks later.

Then, only too recently the region was retaken, this time perhaps now that there is no outside interference in its development, the Poitierians can finally see Old Rancagua as its true rulers and forget its long history of rebelliousness. For a thorn it has been in many realms to try and control, but now perhaps, its time for conformity has come?

June 16 - Internal Unrest in Old Rancagua, Part I

Tensions have been undoubtedly high since the major reshuffle in the leadership of Old Rancagua. Before the rebellion of Charger, which is now known as a major turning point in the history of Old Rancagua, Fuinir reigned as a longstanding King of the northern realm. Along with Arch-Priest Folite, Royal Treasurer Antan and High Marshal Dekion, much was achieved and much prosperity was had. However, after the rebellion, when many of the old guard were banned and forced to depart from the realm for a short time, it was the younger nobles who were forced into roles of leadership unknown to them previously in what seems to have been an overly elitist realm.

When Charger was overthrown and his supporters scattered to the wind or slaughtered, the realm was then taken under the fatherly wing of Thalanteus, a former ruler of the late Rancagua, and through his fatherly guidance and the steadfast dedication of the once again High Marshal Dekion, the lands and people of Old Rancagua were restored to some semblance of their former glory. Whilst there were some decisions which were deemed as highly controversial, such as the capital move to the only recently conquered stronghold of the heretical Church, in Kazakh, the majority of the reign of Thalanteus proved beneficial in many ways. It was also widely regarded that the old council would one day be restored and all would return to pre-rebellion status. But then, Fuinir's rebellion occurred, and everything changed.

The rebellion was something that had been unplanned for that moment, for although a Monarchy would have been reinstituted eventually when the regions would allow most likely, and it was also a rebellion which was largely planned and instituted regrettably, by the old guard. This action smacked of desperation for it seemed, in many of the Old Rancaguans eyes, that the Old Guard had become overzealous and wished overmuch to return themselves to dominance amongst the Nobles of Old Rancagua. This gave much fuel to the fires of the separate candidates for the rulership, namely Dekion and Antan, who became far more influential as the Old Guard became far less.....next instalment coming soon!

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