Malrocken Family/Sereth

From BattleMaster Wiki

Sereth, a member of the Malrocken family, was at first the only member of the family to go out and work for the land of Darka, where he vows his alliegience will stay. His brother Cid went out to help once Sereth was imprisoned, as did his sister, Kimberly. The Malrocken family being based in Mt. Sinclair, Sereth has a natural disposition for mountains. Around the age of 15, swords became his big interest him, especially scimitars, and he hopes to get one if he becomes a Cavalier or a Hero, to reward himself(he settles with a longsword for now). Much of his childhood was average, or at least as average as a noble child's childhood can be. His mother was very protective, so he is not always up on the world's current events, being shielded from "the outside world" until the age of 14. Around that time, he decided that the path of a soldier was for him. Years later, he set out, and is doing the best he can. He now leads a small group of sword-wielding infantry, and is training them as much as possible. Like his siblings, he has sworn an oath of loyalty to his realm that can only be broken when the realm is no more. He will then attempt to convert to the attackers realm.

-June 4th, 2006- Sereth wasn't sure where he was going, and went through Tandsu to get to Foda. The people of Tandsu threw him in prison. That same day, their High Priest let him go.

-June 14th, 2006- Sereth gets into his first true battle, in Tandsu.

-June 15th, 2006- He gets that scimitar he wanted from his sister Kimberly, a trader on the East Continent.