Fearless Ones Family/Merlin II

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Merlin was wounded after seperation with his brothers in the storm. He then join Hasland in York City so that he can continue to meet his brothers. His brother Arthur has left messages for him so that he can locate him. He understand that his brother Arthur has already set dail to the New World hoping to meet his brother Excalibur. A month later, Merlin set sail to the New World following his brother foot steps hoping to meet up with him.

He finally meet up with his brother and found out that Excalibur was not in this continent and both of them decided to head out to a new continent to seach for his brother Excalibur. Both of them landed in the South Island. Merlin was tasked by his brother Arthur to continue looking for his brother while he stays and help his liege fight the war.

Merlin then set sail to a new world. He lands in East Continent where he meet his lost brother Excalibur. He quickly sent this great news to their brother Arthur. Merlin stayed and help Excalibur to fight against Old Rancagua.

Merlin and a few volunteers were tasked to bring him food to their besige city as many people are suffering from starvation. Merlin was caught by Old Rancagua and was executed.

Merlin the second, son of Merlin, join Rancagua after the death of his father. He stayed with his uncle Excalibur and fight to the very last. After the fall of Rancagua, he then joined Avamar to answer to his realm's trusted ally for assistance. He stayed and fought until the very last of Avamar's reign. After that he joined Oligarch as Oligarch is willing to help rebuild Avamar. Unforunately without all allies such as Rancagua and Avamar, Oligarch cannot survive. At least Oligarch falled and Merlin II decides to join Kalmar Islands but he was captured many times by enemies patrol and was forced to board a ship and head to Far East Island. He has decides to heel to his uncle Excalibur's call and join Grand Lodge of Lunaria.