Turik Family/Tarkus

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Icon-D.png Tarkus Turik is the third born son in the family. Older only than the youngest sibling and the only daughter of the family, Emilya. Tarkus may not yet be able to match his big brother when it comes to drinking but he can hold his own against much of the Redspan nobility. He is not all that jealous of his brother because Tarkus happens to have a much longer and fuller beard than Razer.

Tarkus is an avid student of war and battle. Command and victory are what drives this young noble. Like most Turiks, Tarkus has always dreamed of riding at the head of a fearsome cavalry force and has recently realized this dream; he now commands a small cavalry unit for the Army of Redspan.

Age: 20

Class: Soldier

Honour: 20

Prestige: 8