The Filador Family/Dielo

From BattleMaster Wiki


The most experienced of the Filador Family, Dielo chose to stay close to home on Atamara for his life. He slowly gains honor in RedSpan throughout their comming ins and going outs. He currently serves the realm as a teacher to newcommers.

His first major battle was The Battle of Ash'rily I, and he participated in numerous battles since then, culminating in The Battle of Meldeen I, in which his soldiers remained on the field until only ten Southern Federation units remained.

Dielo was given the honor of serving in RedSpan's Inner Circle, about a month before before being appointed Count of Tandsu (5-23-06). The Region Lordship title was quickly lost, as the region is adjacent to its previous owner's capital city, Foda. However, when the region changed hands again, Dielo swore to get it back, and throw out the defilers of Da Realm.

Of the Filadors, he alone still actively follows and respects The Order of Da Great Goat, in which he holds the title Legs of Da One, which he recieved upon being inspired by Da One to write the proverb "Da Way to Da Ale."
