Church of Estahsism

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The Church of Estahsism has based its believe on The Spiritual Guide to Estahs.


The Core of the Church are members. They are the rock on which our Church is built on.

Old Grehkian Members

1) Prins Simon, the founder of the religion, and thus a priest dedicated his life to the Gods.

2) Luquam, the first noble to join the religion, who devotes his life to preaching to peasants, thus he is one of The Influence Expanders.

3) Knight Of, the second noble to join the religion, is the former of Yipinalke, a rich townsland region near Vozzessdor. Now he has dedicated his life to the Gods, and became a priest.

4) Lorgan is the actual (co-)founder, together with Prins Simon. He is the duke of Ossmat, the Capital of Old Grehk.

5) Hurin is the count of Vatrona and therefor the lord of the capital of Estahsism.

6) Vagabond is the ruler of Old Grehk.

7) Johan has dedicated his life to the Gods, and became a priest!

8) Ethlarion is a noble of the dark, an infiltrator.

9) Yeller, duke of Gethsemene.

10) MartinPaul, another troopleader of Old Grehk.

11) Kane, also a troopleader of Old Grehk.

12) Pholtus, Marshall of the Ossmatian army.

13) Eirik, count of Haji.

14) Sarh has seen the truth and became a priest!

Non-Old Grehkian Members

1) Lemon Tree, count of Oepiud in ThalMarkin.


If you want to spread the word, you need temples and shrines. And the Church already has many!

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