Old Rancagua Press/24th May 2006/Further Reading

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Yes indeed folks. It truly was a historical day in the lives of Old Rancaguans everywhere. There have not been elections within Old Rancagua almost as far back as anyone can remember. EVen in the days of Talius, Fuinur was a picked cantidate.The three cantidates were: Dekion, Fuinur, and your truly. Sadly Talius dropped out of the running when . . .

The was called into pressing family affairs. We here at the presses do not have the full details, but we hope nothing has gone wrong with one of his close relatives. We know of the island to the north of us he calls home that Talius sometimes travels to, let us hope nothing is wrong. But anyways, back to the elections. THe running was tight and there were numerous questions forwarded by members of the realm.

The elections took a bad turn in the early part of the elections, but Dekion and Fuinur settled their differences temporarily and ran a smooth campaign. It was then carried on in a much more civil manner. Issues such as: Realm security, treatment of nobles, domestic affairs, political stance, and the Kalmar Islands.

Yes yes, you are all dying to know..Who won? Here we are, wiht the official results:

  1. Dekion 645 votes 49.8%
  2. Fuinur 337 votes 26%
  3. Antan 107 votes 8.3%
  4. Talius 64 votes 4.9%
  5. ShadowWolf 32 votes 2.5%
  6. Syban 29 votes 2.2%
  7. Lexon 26 votes 2%
  8. Tonan 22 votes 1.7%
  9. Prometheus 14 votes 1.1%
  10. Sam 7 votes 0.5%
  11. Shina 6 votes 0.5%
  12. Johnny 5 votes 0.4%

You heard right folks and you heard it here. Our former High Marshall has been named the King! King Dekion has been named our King. The people have decided. There is some voting qualms over stuffed ballots in the border colonies, but nothing substantial whatso ever.


Article to be inserted by Palandro..

Old Rancagua Press Revamped

It has come that time in Old Rancagua's history is changing on a dramatic scale. So I went and thought, why not the Press as well? The Old Rancagua Press is making a rejunvenated assault upon the world of periodicals. No longer the laughingstock . . .

of the journalistic world, we shall come out with faster reporting than ever before. As you can tell, we have reworked the format of the Press. No longer will you the reader have to look through long articles concerning what you don't care about. You can skip right to the information. This will provide an easier read for you in the future.

Also, we have added new staff onto the Press. I would love to welcome Sam, Wenliang, and Palandro onto the staff of the paper. We will hopefully be able to present a good, varied description of the happenings upon this island. Look to us in the future for better improvements as we think of them.

Puzzle of the Issue

The tallies are in from last week. And now we have the new totals. It is good to see people coming out and voting!

  1. Sam AND Fuinur - 4 points
  2. Ragnell - 2 points
  3. Shina AND Kamekaze6 - 1 point

And now, the puzzle of the issue: While patrolling around the city of Oligarch, some troops of Old Rancagua and Oligarch met eachother. There were some taunting thrown back and forth, each unit claiming their commander to be the best swordfighter. The leaders that stepped forward for Old Rancagua were Talius, Madisson, and Lost. Two of the knights won their matches and one knight lost. Which two knights won their matches and which one lost?

  1. Talius won his match, if Madisson lost his match.
  2. If Madisson won his match, then Lost lost his match.
  3. Talius lost his match, if Lost won his match. (confusing no?)