Melhed/History/Age of Mystery/Argos

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From the Journals of Taronis

My knowledge on the events myself are slithgly hazy, though I do know of most the the events from my great grandfathers rise to Paladin Primus, to his death.

Way back in history, when this contient was still called the new world, there was a realm to the north of Melhed, called Helonon. A Barbarian realm hell bent on domination of the northern corner of the continient. It was during one of the many wars against Melhed that Argos came to be Paladin Primus. The realms former one mysteriously dissapeared and ARgos was the only one to step forward to answer the call for the position. After winning the election he laid out an assualt upon the region of Lin Helon capturing the region with ease, and slaying the barbarian hoardes who had subjigated the city to high atrocities. It was through Argos that most regions north of the river were freed from the brutal savages who had nestled themselves up. After some time Melhed and Helonon agreed to a weary peace, and Argos again re-organized the military sending the realms armies out to the farthest regions in the realm to help the local populace with the rebuildings of their homes, and centers of commerce. Soon after his actions in the reconstruction of the realm, he was elected to the position of Fiduciary, and later High Guard appointed him as the Duke of Lin Helon. As time passed High Guard began to fear Argos' sway of the people of Melhed, He was a true hero who cared more for the people around him then himself. He had vision. He felt Melhed should be more then just an ordinary realm but a light in the darkness to the whole contient, a realm that would stand against all evils, everywhere. Regardless of weither it be Undead or the evil of a mans heart. High Guard attempted to put a stopper on Argos' power by making him give up some of the titles the people had placed upon him, but in the end nothing could stop Argos' ascension, and as High Guard was leaving Mhed City he was assualted by assassins seeking revenge from Helonon. When High Guard had awoken he found the people had taken to the streets to rejoice the new appointed of one annointed by the gods, Pontifex Argos. Being the destroyer of evil that he is, Argos immediatly turned his attention upon Helonon for their assassination of High Guard. "I cannot rest so long as such a great evil sleeps outside my door!" and he orderd that Helonon be destroyed and its remains go to the republic of Ar Agyr, Melhed's closest ally. Soon however word from the Oracles of the west arrived in Melhed of a great evil gathering, and rumors living dead became common place. Argos laughed saying, "Let Helonon be destroyed by the evil they have wrought". And the armies of Melhed and Agyr left the remains of Helonon, and as they left they could hear the wailing of the barbarian tribes populace, they could see the fires, and could hear the screams as the Undead torched their homes, killed the warriors, and ripped the populace limb from limb. It was a decision that Argos would come to greatly regret.

The first Undead to attack Melhed came from the mountains, fast and hard. But Argos' was was prepared for the assualt, having called all of Melhed behind the safety of Mhed and Agyr's walls. He led from the front many times as the Undead iniated brutal assualt after brutal assualt. Not only was Argos leading from the front, but a particular people were too. The region of Gor Ault had refused to leave their homes, and not only rose up stiff defense for their homeland, but provided the rest of the realm with food, and most importantly of all their husbands and sons. They became known continintal wide as some of the best Infantry available. Their prowess was unmatched, and Argos himself took command of a unit of 85 of them. Marching them to the Undead and defeating them in Agyr,Bil Havil, Rengo, Hoppidrii, and Mhed. Towards the end of an Undead assualt in Hopidrii word reached Argos and his men of an large scale Undead assualt against Gor Ault. A loss there was not an option as Melhed had grown to rely upon Gor Ault, and Argos wouldn't stand to see its battle strong, and rightous people defeated, so him and his 85 Infantry moved to Gor Ault, the home of the men he led, along with a small detachment of Mixed Infantry from Agyr.

Using the local knowledge of his men Argos was able to arrive to the village, and set up defenses just before the Undead hoardes arrived. The Undead numbers were astounding, way mro then scouts had indicated, at the least there were 350 Undead to fight against the detachment of 85 Infantry and 20 mixed Infantry that Argos had brought. As the Undead came out of the wooded areas around the village Argos orderd his men to the tops of the berms that had been errected around the village. He placed himself where the battle was to be thickest, and his men rallied around him. As the Undead began their assualt argos ordered his men to draw weapons and when the Undead had come into range he leapt into their ranks swinging his huge mace left and right.But their numbered began to prove to much. They cut Argos off from the rest of the men fighting, and everyone watched in horror and disbelief as Argos could still be seen swinging his great mace atop the berm even while Undead were atop his back biting into his flesh. His men foght furiously to his position atop the berm but by the time they reached where he was he was gone carried off by the Undead some where, presummably to the mountains, and his body was never found. Around the place his men last saw him fighting, the maimed bodies of the Undead were piled. Wearing old tattered hide and leather armors....bearing the symbol of Helonon.

Argos' unit fought on in the defence of their home, now enraged by the death of their pontifex they took the fight to the Undead with a vengence, but even still the Undead numbers were still not enough, and unit was destroyed to the last man. As the last man in the unit died, the mixed Infantry fired a volley of arrows at the remaining Undead as they came over the berm, and then engaged them in close combat slaying the pitiful remains of the hoarde with ease.

To this day I've heard several different stories surrounding Argos' death. Some say he was taken off by the Undead to become the very thing he fought so hard against, others say he was taken by the gods of death straight to hell, others still say the gods of light reached down and took him from this world...and even others claim to have seen him still wondering this world...though none dispute the fact he is certainly dead.

Taronis, Great Grandson of Argos (Noble)