Sterksain Family/Grimbaldus

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Grimbaldus Sterksain

The youngest of the family, always looked up to his brother Aethelmaer, and absolutely hated Trystrem. His parents were fond of him, although Aethelmaer was the one that was favored the most. He was liked more than Trystrem, so that kept him happy.

The Younger Days

Grimbaldus wasn't much of anything when he was young. He never really liked the fact that Aethelmaer always wanted to get out. He would follow sometimes, but only when it wouldn't get him in trouble, like just to go search the house for things, or for when they were trying to watch Trystrem get into trouble, or something to that effect. Often times would run away, where Aethelmaer wouldn't and never got into any trouble.

Growing up

Grimbaldus was always quiet, his parents were thankful for that. With their hands full with Trystrem, and Aethelmaer all the time, Grim was a welcome relief. There was the occasional time when Grim would do something to attract his parents attention. Kept them from thinking he wasn't gonna be anything when he grew up.